Chapter 24 the appointment

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Enjoy :-)
Chloe and Noah are talking in the hall
Noah: is Jacob the dad?
Chloe: yeah, he is. But you can't tell anyone Noah, especially mum and dad
Noah: why not?
Chloe: Noah, you know what mum and dad are like. They'll go mad, dad will probably beat Jacob up. I really don't need that right now. It's bad enough I've got to sit in the doctors with mum talking about my pregnancy
Noah: okay
Chloe: Noah, I mean it. You can't say anything, you have to swear you won't say anything
Noah: alright, I swear, I won't say anything
Chloe: good, thank you (charity shouts)
Charity: Chloe are you ready? We'll miss the appointment (Chloe and Noah go into the living room to see charity, Chas and Debbie at the Table) about time, we're going to be late
Noah: that was my fault, I kept asking her questions about the baby
Chloe: yeah, you all are really annoying me
Charity: well you better get used to people asking you questions (Chloe rolls her eyes) so debs, are you sure your alright to have Moses?
Debbie: yeah, you just be there for Chlo, we'll be alright here
Charity: okay, come on you
Chas: Charity, before you go
Charity: what Chas? We're going to be late
Chas: yeah, if I were you, I would be a little less shouty
Charity: what?
Debbie: yeah, she does have a point. The last thing Chloe needs, is her Mum shouting at her doctor
Chloe: yeah, you better not, or I'm walking out
Charity: alright, I won't, let's just go, come on
Chloe: alright, chill out
Chas: bye
Debbie: good luck (Chloe and Charity walks out)

Chloe And Charity are at the doctors
Manpreet is Chloe's doctor
Manpreet: so. I would say your about 3 weeks pregnant, we won't know for sure until you have the scan at the hospital
Chloe: is that really Necessary? I want an abortion, it's not like I'm actually going to keep it
Manpreet: are you really sure that's what you want Chloe?
Charity: of course she's sure
Manpreet: Chloe, this has to be your decision, don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body
Charity: she's 14 and as her mother, I have a say in what she does, thank you very much
Manpreet: Charity, all I'm saying is..
Charity: no, what gives you the right to tell my daughter what to do?
Chloe: mum, She's only trying to help
Charity: you don't even know my daughter, she won't be able to cope being a mum at her age, I mean look at me and her sister
Chloe: I am not you or Debbie. Mum, can you just leave?
Charity: Chloe
Chloe: just leave mum. I want to talk to Manpreet on my own
Charity: fine, I'll be outside yeah?
Chloe: yeah (charity walks out) I'm sorry about her, well you know what my parents are like
Manpreet: so let's talk about what you really want. are you thinking about keeping the baby?
Chloe: well, it's not like that's not crossed my mind. I just keep thinking, that I won't be able to cope. My parents, there hardly the best example. I don't want to turn out like them
Manpreet: Chloe, you are your own person, your not like Cain or charity or your sister, your you
Chloe: I guess. Everyone Saids that I'm like dad though. He never used to be a good parent, he's a lot better now, he just has a temper on him, I always have to keep him calm. I guess he's where I get my temper from, except I'm not as bad as him
Manpreet: Chloe, if you wanted to keep the baby. You'll be a good mum but if you don't want to keep the baby, then that's okay too. You can have the abortion or give the baby up for adoption
Chloe: I rather have an abortion. When mum had me and Debs, she put us into care. I know what it feels like to be un wanted. I wouldn't want to put another kid through that
Manpreet: okay, well I'll make you an appointment at the clinic for later. I'll just give you these leaflets
Chloe: thank you
Manpreet: is there anything else I could do for you?
Chloe: no. that's everything (Chloe stands up) thank you
Manpreet: no problem. If you need a chat come to see me
Chloe: okay (Chloe walks out)
Charity: so how did it go then? (Chloe walks out) Chloe? (Charity walks out after her)

Chloe is walking and charity is behind her
Charity: Chlo. You can't keep ignoring me (Chloe turns round)
Chloe: your not even sorry are you?
Charity: for what exactly?
Chloe: for totally humiliating me in there. Your lucky I even let you in the room with me and then you go shout at the doctor. You promised me this morning that you wouldn't get angry, but then again, that's you all over isn't it?
Charity: alright, I'm sorry. I didn't think
Chloe: you never think though, that's your problem. Just leave me alone mum (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is walking
Jacob walks over to her
Jacob: hey
Chloe: what do you want Jacob?
Jacob: I wanted to see how did the doctors appointment went
Chloe: it went okay. I'm having the abortion later this afternoon 
Jacob: okay. Do you want me to come with you?
Chloe: no, I rather do this on my own, it's better that way.
Jacob: Well we're both too young to be parents aren't we?
Chloe: yeah, exactly, too young (Jacob and Chloe look at each other) I really have to go
Jacob: yeah, see you then. I'll text you later
Chloe: yeah, bye (Chloe walks away and Jacob looks at her and then he turns away and walks away)

Chloe is at the abortion clinic
She hasn't told anyone that she's there
Chloe is sat waiting for her name to be called
Debbie walks in and she goes over to Chloe
Debbie: Chlo
Chloe: what are you doing here? (Debbie sits next to Chloe)
Debbie: I found your leaflets and you left your phone at home, I read your text about the appointment
Chloe: you read my text? You had no right to do that
Debbie: well I didn't know where you were, I was worried about you.
Chloe: well I never asked you to come
Debbie: you really think I'm going to let my little sister go through this on her own?
Chloe: does mum know?
Debbie: mum and dad don't know anything, unless you want me to tell them
Chloe: did mum tell you what she did? She really embarrassed me
Debbie: yeah, she told me. That's just mum isn't it? She thinks she knows what's best for us but she doesn't
Chloe: I'm really scared
Debbie: well there's no need to be (Debbie takes Chloe's hand) you have me. I'll be there for you, no matter what
Chloe: Thank you. I don't even know if I want an abortion. I just keep thinking (Chloe starts crying) that I'm going to be a bad mum. Mums never been the best example, she's always let us down
Debbie: oh Chloe. I think that you would make such a good mum. If you want to have the baby, then I'll help you out, all of the time. Eh, you can even move in with me. Chloe, I'm not going anywhere, I promise (Debbie and Chloe hug)
Chloe: I love you
Debbie: Love you too kid (Debbie kisses Chloe's head and the nurse walks over)
Nurse: Chloe dingle (they turn to see the nurse)

Will Chloe go through with the abortion? Find out in the next chapter and stay tuned :-)

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