chapter 6 statements

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Chloe walks into the kitchen to see dad moira and the police there
Chloe: what's wrong? What's happened?
Cain: the police have arrested Michael
Chloe: right
police: we want you to give a statement down the station if that's okay
Chloe: yeah. can my dad come?
Police: yeah of course he can (cain Chloe and the police stand up)
Moira:: I'll stay here good luck Chloe
Chloe: thanks (Chloe and the police walk out)
Cain: I'll see you later (cain kisses moira then walks out)

At the police station Chloe gave her statement
Police: are you happy with your statement?
Chloe: yeah I am
police: you might have to stand up in court and give a statement
Chloe: dad what's going to happen to me?
Cain: nothing you'll be fine
police: we won't make you do anything you don't feel comfortable with, are you okay with this?
Chloe: yeah I'm fine
police: your free to go, we'll tell you about further details soon (Cain and Chloe stand up)
Cain: thank you (Cain puts his arm around Chloe) come on you (Cain and Chloe walk out)

Cain and Chloe get out of the car
Cain: so what do you fancy doing? We could get chips
Chloe: dad, you don't have to look after me
Cain: but I want to treat you because I think your brave
Chloe: well in that case we can just go to the Woolpack then if that's okay
Cain: yeah of course

Chloe and Cain walk into the woolpack
Charity: Chloe how are you doing?
Chloe: yeah I'm good thanks (Marlon hugs Chloe)
Marlon: well I'm always here if you need me
Chloe: thanks Marlon
Marlon: do you want something to eat on the house?
Chloe: you don't have to fuss over me, my dad will pay (they all laugh)
Dad: oh will I now?
Chloe: well I haven't got any money
Marlon: on the house?
Chloe: yeah okay then you've persuaded me
Charity: well your defiantly your dads daughter
Cain: jealous?
Charity: as if
chloe: guys don't argue
Cain: okay for you (Cain kisses Chloe's head)
Chloe: carful you'll ruin your reputation and everyone will call you mr nice guy (Cain laughs)
Cain: well I don't care because then everyone will see that I do care for my children
charity: what's gotten into you?
Cain: I'm not like you charity I actually care for our children
charity: i do too
Cain: you have a funny way of showing it (Ross walks in with Moses)
Chloe: Moses (Chloe picks Moses up) hello
Ross: look after Moses for a bit charity
Charity: I'm working
Ross: do i look like I care?
Chloe: don't worry mum I'll do it
Charity: thanks Chlo
Cain: no Chloe you don't have to do that charity can do it herself
Chloe: no its alright dad I want to and we'll have lots of fun won't we Moses? (Chloe puts her forehead onto Moses's and She pulls faces at him and he laughs) is that funny?
Cain: when did you get so good with kids?
Chloe: I actually happen to love kids
Charity: you don't take after us then (Chloe laugh)
Chloe: I should be like a babysitter
Marlon: you can look after April any time you want (Chloe laugh)
Chloe: thanks Marlon
Marlon: I'll be right back with your food
Chloe: but I haven't told you what I want
Marlon: no but I want to surprise you is that okay?
Chloe: yeah go on then surprise me (Marlon walks in the back and Chloe hand Moses to charity and Chloe and Cain sit at the table)

Chloe and Cain are sitting at the table
Cain: are you sure you want to go to court?
Me: I wasn't before because I was scared of what he would do to me (cain puts his hand on top of Chloe's) but now I want to he can't get away with this he has to be punished dad. he used me to get at you
Cain: I know but it'll all be okay I'm by your side every step of the way (Chloe squeezes cain's hand)
Chloe: thank you (Cain smiles at Chloe and Marlon comes out with pasta and puts it on the table)
Marlon: here you go
Chloe: wow pasta. that's so special
Marlon: alright no need to be sarcastic I'll just take it back then yeah? (He's about to take the plate away and Chloe stop him)
Chloe: no I never said that (they laugh and Marlon puts the pasta on the table and he walks away)

Cain and Chloe walk into Moira's house and they see Moira sat at the table
Moira: hey where have you two been?
Cain: I took Chloe to the woolpack for something to eat after the police station  you don't mind do you?
Moira: no I don't mind she deserves it
Chloe: thanks anyway I'm tired night
Moira and Cain: night (Chloe walks away and she goes into her bedroom and Cain sits at the table with Moira)

The next chapter will be Chloe in court against Michael so stay tuned :-)

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