Chapter 13 jealously

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Chloe is all ready for school
Chloe walks into the kitchen and Cain and Moira are sat at the table
Chloe: morning
Moira: someone's happy this morning
Chloe: well it's a good day
Cain: why's that then?
Chloe: no reason
Cain: nothing to do with Jacob then?
Moira: oh yeah, how was the date?
Chloe: it wasn't a date, it was just two friends going to the cinema
Cain: course it was (Chloe Sits down at the table and she rolls her eyes)

Chloe walks over to the bus stop and Jacob stands up
Jacob: hey Chloe
Me: hi Jacob (Jacob kisses Chloe's cheek)
Jacob: I had a really good time last night
Chloe: me too (Chloe and Jacob smile at each other and gabby walks over)
Gabby: you two
Chloe: hey
Gabby: where did you two get to last night?
Chloe: what do you mean?
Gabby: well you said that you would meet me but you never
Chloe: oh I wasn't feeling well and I forgot to call, sorry
Gabby: it's alright

Chloe is walking with Jacob
Jacob: why did you lie?
Chloe: what?
Jacob: you told gabby that you weren't feeling well and that's why you couldn't meet her
Chloe: Jacob
Jacob: are you ashamed of me or something?
Chloe: no of course not
Jacob: then why did you lie?
Chloe: look Jacob it's complicated alright?
Jacob: not to me it's not
Chloe: gabby liked you remember? She's my best friend, I couldn't do that to her and my dad is cain dingle, he can't find out not yet okay?
Jacob: well there gonna find out sooner or later
Chloe: look I just want it to be just me and you for the moment, it's nobody else's business, we'll tell everyone when we're ready
Jacob: alright then (Jacob walls over to Chloe) I just want you to be happy
Chloe: yeah and I am, with you (Jacob kisses Chloe)

Chloe Walks into the house
Cain: where have you been? Your late home
Chloe: just with Liv. Not a problem is their?
Moira: no of course not
Chloe: I'm going to see mum later
Cain: why?
Chloe: because she's my mum
Cain: do you want me to come with you?
Chloe: no I'll be alright, I'll see you later

Chloe walks up to Jacob
Chloe: where were you at school this afternoon?
Jacob: I bunked off didn't I? I really couldn't be bothered
Chloe: and you didn't tell me?
Jacob: I just wanted to be on my own (gabby walks over)
Gabby: hey
Jacob: my dad wants a word gabby
Gabby: why? Is it about skipping the afternoon lessons
Jacob: yeah, I suppose so
Chloe: you bunked off together?
Jacob: yeah we were just messing about
Gabby: well we'll see you later chlo, come on Jacob
Jacob: yeah see you (Jacob and gabby walk away)

Chloe is at the woolpack and She's sat on the sofa with Moses
Debbie walks away
Debbie: oh what are you doing here?
Chloe: mum wanted me to look after Moses
Debbie: is something wrong?
Chloe: no
Debbie: Chloe
Chloe: Look nothings wrong (Debbie sits next to me)
Debbie: come on, talk to me, I know you, I know when somethings up
Chloe: it's just Jacob and gabby
Debbie: right, what have they done?
Chloe: gabby has a thing for Jacob and they skipped school this afternoon and they were together, Jacob lied to me, he said he was on his own
Debbie: I think you should talk to Jacob, go on, I'll look after Moses
Chloe: thanks debs (Chloe stands up and She walk out)

Chloe Walks In David's shop
She walks up to the counter
Chloe: David, is Jacob in?
David: yeah. Jake (Jacob Walks In)
Jacob: what are you doing here?
Chloe: I want to talk. Come on, we'll go outside (Chloe and Jacob go outside)
Jacob: what's this about?
Chloe: you acting like a prat that's what
Jacob: I haven't done anything
Chloe: you didn't tell me you was going to bunk off and you bunked off with your ex Jacob
Jacob: look, it was just 2 mates hanging out
Chloe: there's more to it then that, I know there is
Jacob: no their isn't
Chloe: you've been avoiding me
Jacob: think what you like Chloe. I can't deal with the Jealous girlfriend
Chloe: we were never going out in the first place
Jacob: Just go Chloe (Jacob Walks In the shop and Chloe Walks home)

Chloe Walks In the house upset
Cain: what's up with you?
Chloe: nothing just leave it (she goes into her room and she cries)

Chloe is sat on the sofa and cain sits next to her
Cain: go on then, talk to me
Chloe: there's nothing to talk about
Cain: I know when your upset
Chloe: I'm not upset
Cain: chlo, I can't help you if you don't talk to me can I?
Chloe: it's just Jacob
Cain: what about Jacob?
Chloe: we had a argument
Cain: about what?
Chloe: does it matter?
Cain: yes it does if it's making you upset
Chloe: honestly I rather just forget it
Cain: okay well you know where I am if you need me
Chloe: thanks dad (Cain hugs Chloe)

Chloe is walking and she sees Gabby and Jacob together laughing
Tears roll down Chloe cheeks

Chloe is walking home
Gabby walks up to her
Gabby: hey
Chloe: hi
Gabby: what's wrong?
Chloe: nothing. I'm just going to go home. It's pretty late
Gabby: your being weird
Chloe: no I'm not. See you later (Chloe Walks Away, leaving gabby alone)

Gabby walks up to Jacob
Gabby: Jacob
Jacob: oh hi gabby
Gabby: what's up with Chloe?
Jacob: what do you mean?
Gabby: she's being off with me and she looked really upset
Jacob: Just ignore her
Gabby: but Jacob I can't, she's our friend
Jacob: well she's not mine
Gabby: why are you being like this?
Jacob: we just had a falling out
Gabby: about what?
Jacob: it doesn't matter
Gabby: well you better sort it Jacob. She's our friend, you can't treat her like that (gabby walks away)

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