Chapter 3 stealing

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Chloe walks downstairs ready for school
Cain: oh, so your actually ready for school today are you?
Chloe: well yeah
Cain: good I'm glad. Toast?
Chloe: yes please (Cain makes Chloe some toast and they sit at the table)
Cain: so how's school?
Chloe: same as always. I'll be going to my mums after school
Cain: why?
Chloe: because I want to, don't worry dad I'm still gonna live with you
Cain: good (Chloe stands up) I'll take you to school
Chloe: no thanks, I'll get the bus
Cain: you sure? (Cain stands up)
Chloe: yeah (Chloe kisses Cain cheek) see you later dad
Cain: bye (Chloe walks out the door)
Moira: well she's quiet
Cain: well at least she's ready for school that's a start
Moira: yeah (Moira and Cain smile at each other)

Chloe is walking to the bus stop and Michael walks over
Michael: hey
Chloe: what do you want?
Michael: wow that's a nice welcome
Chloe: well what do you expect, leave my dad alone
Michael: alright I will, so wanna bunk off? (Chloe sirs down at the bus stop)
Chloe: can't
Michael: why not?
Chloe: I promised my dad I would go to school
Michael: when have you ever done what your dad saids?
Chloe: I want things to change
Michael: one more day won't hurt
Chloe: why don't you just leave me alone?
Michael: well I'll just batter your dad then (Michael goes to walk away and Chloe stands up)
Chloe: no, don't hurt him
Michael: come with me then (Chloe follows Michael not wanting her dad to be hurt)

Michael walks round the corner and leans against the wall
Chloe: what are we doing here?
Michael: well I like you a lot (Michael strokes Chloe hair and Chloe steps back) I need you too help me with something
Chloe: with what?
Michael: I want you to get me some money
Chloe: what? how?
Michael: steal it from the pub
Chloe: I can't, my mum lives there
Michael: or I'll kill your dad
Chloe: fine
Michael: good girl (Michael touches Chloe arm) see you later (Michael walks away and tears run down Chloe's cheeks and she wipes them)

half a hour later, Michael walks back over to Chloe
Michael: hey babe
Chloe: Michael we can't do this
Michael: yes we can
Chloe: no we can't
Michael: I won't tell if you don't (Michael touches Chloe's face) I know you want me
Chloe: no I don't, Get off me (Chloe kicks Michael and Michael pushes Chloe against the wall and puts his hands around her neck) you better watch your mouth and get me my money
Chloe: I told you I would get it (Michael lets go of Chloe)
Michael: see you later Chloe (Michael walks off leaving Chloe crying)

It's home time at school now and Chloe is walking to the pub and Carly comes over
Carly: hey
Chloe: hi
Carly: have you been crying?
Chloe: no, I'm fine
Carly: Chloe what's wrong?
Chloe: just leave it (Chloe walks into the pub)

Chloe arrives at the pub
Charity: hey
Chloe: hi (chloe walks round the bar and Michael comes in and smiles at Chloe) mum I'll help you out
Charity: thanks I'll just be in the back
Chloe: okay (Michael comes over) wait outside and I'll get you your money (Michael goes outside and Chloe sneaks 50 pound into her pocket)

Chloe goes outside and it's dark out now and she goes round the corner with Michael
Chloe: here (Chloe passes him the money) now leave us alone
Michael: maybe
Chloe: you said once I give you the money you will leave us alone
Michael: changed my mind
Chloe: you can't do that
Michael: I can and there's nothing you can do about it
Chloe: (Chloe goes to hit Michael but he grabs her arm)
Michael: I wouldn't try that again if I was you
Chloe: just leave me alone (chloe storms of upset and charity comes out)
Charity: was that Chloe?
Michael: yep
Charity: what have you said to her?
Michael: nothing
Charity: whatever (charity walks back into the pub)

At moira house Cain and moira is sitting down at the table and Chloe comes in tears rolling down her cheeks
Cain: Chloe? what's wrong? (Cain stands up and hugs Chloe and she cries into Cains arm)

After Chloe calms down they all sit down at the table
Cain: so are you gonna tell us what's wrong? (Chloe shakes her head)
Moira: if you don't tell us we can't help you
Chloe: I've been so stupid
Cain: why what's happened?
Chloe: I can't tell you
Cain: why not?
Chloe: because you will hate me
Cain: Chloe I could never hate you
Chloe: I'm going to my room. (Chloe stands up) Night dad
Cain: night and Chloe (Chloe looks at cain) I know I'm not Debbie but you can talk to me about anything too you know
Chloe: I know (chloe gives Cain a smile) thanks dad (Chloe kisses Cain cheek and Chloe walks into her room)
Cain: night
Moira: you big softie
Cain: well she would normally tell Debbie what's wrong but she's not here so she can talk to me. Do you think she will be okay?
Moira: yes of course she will (Moira kisses Cain) don't worry about it (Cain and moira smile at each other)

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