Chapter 30 telling the family part 2

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Chloe has just told everyone that Jacob is the father of the baby
Cain stands up
Cain: what? Is this a joke?
Chloe: no, no joke, Jacob's the father and we're together
Charity: but you lied to us, you said you didn't know who the father was
Chloe: I know and I'm sorry, I really am, I just couldn't tell you
Leyla: but this is our son's baby, we had a right to know
Jacob: We were scared to tell anyone
David: scared? scared of what?
Chloe: of my family, I was trying to protect Jacob, I know what my side are like, I didn't want them to hurt Jacob
Cain: I'm gonna kill him
Chas: Cain, that isn't going to help anyone, think of Chloe
Cain: I am thinking of Chloe, that's all I ever do
Debbie: Alright, let's just calm down
Aaron: Chloe, why don't we go through to the back? We can leave these to talk
Chloe: only if Jacob can come too, I'm not leaving him with this lot
Cain: Jacob isn't going anywhere
Chloe: Dad, please (tears roll down Chloe's cheek) why can't you just accept the fact that me and Jacob are together and we're having a baby? we're going to be a family, you just have to get used to that. If you can't do that, then I guess me and you are done, just stay away from me (Chloe walks out)
Debbie: Chlo
Charity: Cain, go after her then
Jacob: no, I will
Charity: I don't think so
Liv: I'll go, just try not to kill each other (Liv walks out)

Chloe is stood Outside crying
Liv walks over
Liv: Chloe (Chloe turns around) are you okay?
Chloe: do I look okay?
Liv: sorry, stupid question
Chloe: no, I'm sorry for snapping, I never meant it. I'm just so angry, I knew that would happen, I know what my family are like. I guess I was hoping that they would just accept it for a Change. I shouldn't have Said them things to my dad, he's helped me a lot
Liv: yeah but someone needed to stand up to him, it'll make him listen, they just have to get used to it, you don't need them Chloe, you have your friends
Chloe: yeah, thanks Liv (Chloe hugs Liv)

Jacob walks outside with the family
Chloe: Jacob (Chloe hugs Jacob)
Cain: get away from her
Chloe: Dad, just back off, all of you
Cain: Chloe this isn't what you really want, being with him. Your only young
Chloe: yeah well your wrong, this is what I want, more then anything. We're going to be a family dad
Charity: I don't believe this, Chloe your 14
Chloe: who's not a little kid anymore, who happens to be pregnant. It's time to let me go
Debbie: Chlo, let's just go back to mine
Chloe: I'm going with Jacob
Jacob: is that alright Dad?
David: if Chloe Sorts it out with her family, she can stay in the spare room, until things calm down
Chloe: see, at least someone respects what I want
Cain: are you being serious? I've always been there for you
Chloe: have you? Really? So where were you when I was a baby? You didn't do anything
Cain: I'm here now, that's what matters
Chloe: your a useless dad (Tears roll down Chloe's cheek and she looks to Charity) and your a useless mum. I hope I turn out to be nothing like you, any of you. I'll actually love my baby, treat it with respect, not try to control it's life. When have you ever thought about what I wanted for a change? All you cared about was yourself's. I hate you, I hate you all. Stay away from me (Chloe holds Jacob's hand) come on Jacob (Chloe and Jacob walk away)

Chloe and Jacob are sat at the cricket pavilion
Chloe is crying
Jacob: Chlo, don't worry about them. Like you said before, we have each other, that's all that matters
Chloe: yeah, I guess. I'm just so angry at my family, I don't even know why I'm surprised, I knew they would kick off, they always do
Jacob: maybe because you care
Chloe: yeah, it's stupid
Jacob: no it's not (Chloe and Jacob look at each other and they kiss and Debbie walks over)
Debbie: Chloe (they turn to see Debbie)
Chloe: Deb's
Debbie: why don't you come home?
Chloe: I can't, you've seen what there all like
Debbie: give them time to calm down, they'll come round
Chloe: yeah, I doubt it. I'm staying with Jacob, weather any of you like it or not
Debbie: all I've done is try and help you Chloe, don't take it out on me. If you don't want to come, that's your choose (Debbie looks at Jacob) just look after her
Jacob: I will (Debbie looks at Chloe and she walks away and Chloe cry's) it's alright Chloe (Jacob hugs Chloe)

Chloe is at Jacob's
There sat on the sofa
David and Leyla walk in
David: are you two alright?
Jacob: yeah, we're fine
Leyla: listen Chloe, don't you think you should try and make up with your family?
Chloe: what's the point? They never listen to me, it's all about what they want
Jacob;: she can stay here can't she? Until everything's calmed down
David: yeah, of course. Chloe, your carrying our grandchild, your always welcome here
Chloe: thank you (David and Leyla walk away and Chloe gets a text from Charity, saying "Chlo, I love you, just come home")
Jacob: who's that?
Chloe: just Mum, she wants me to go home
Jacob: maybe, you should talk to them tomorrow, they might have calmed down
Chloe: yeah maybe, right I'm gonna go get ready for bed (Chloe kisses Jacob's cheek and she stands up and walks out)

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter
Stay tuned to find out if Chloe makes up with her family :-)

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