Chapter 10 debbie returns

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I hope you like this chapter

Debbie is coming back today
Chloe rushes into the kitchen
Cain: why are you in a rush?
Chloe: because Debbie is coming back today with the kids and Pete. I'm so excited. I'm going to go to the wool pack and organise a welcome back party
Cain: it was only an holiday, she hasn't left for good
Chloe: yeah I know but I've just really missed her. a lots happened since she's been gone and I just needed my big sister
Moira: I bet Debbie's missed you too
Chloe: yeah well I'll see you later
Moira: bye kiddo (Chloe Walks out)

Chloe walks into the wool pack and Charity and Chas are at the bar
Chas: alright kiddo?
Chloe: yeah can we throw a party?
Charity: what for?
Chloe: well Debbie's coming back today, if you haven't forgot that is
Charity: I haven't forgot, of course I haven't (charity laughs)
Chas: Chlo she only went on holiday with her boyfriend and kids
Chloe: yeah but she's been gone for ages, a lots happened and I just want her to know how much I've missed her
Chas: she would know how much you've missed her
Chloe: yeah but she doesn't know what's been going on or that I was in court
Charity: didn't you or your dad phone her?
Chloe: nah dad didn't want her to worry whilst she's on holiday so I guess I have to break it to her
Chas: things will be okay (Chloe smiles at Chas)
Chloe: so can I throw a little gathering then? With the family?
Chas: go on then, why not?
Chloe: thanks Chas, your the best
charity: eh what about me?
Chloe: yeah Chas's my favourite (Chas laughs)
Chas: ha
Chloe: joke (they laugh) I have to go to Grandad's and Lisa's to tell them about the drinks for debs, I'll see you later (Chloe walks out)
Charity: well she seems to be coping well
Chas: yeah, debs coming back is giving her something to look forward too
Charity: yeah

Debbie, the kids and Pete get out the car in the village
Pete: well that was a good get away babe
Debbie: yeah I know, it was perfect (Debbie and Pete kiss and Chloe runs over to them)
Chloe: Debbie (Chloe hugs Debbie)
Debbie: what's all this?
Chloe: I've just missed you that's all
Debbie: aww I've missed you too (Chloe hugs Sarah and jack)
Chloe: hey Pete
Pete: hey Chloe (Chloe's ribs hurt still from the accident)
Debbie: Chlo you look like your in pain, are you alright?
Chloe: it's just my ribs, I broke them a few weeks ago
Debbie: how did you do that?
Chloe: There's a lot I haven't told you
Debbie: go on
Chloe: come with me to the pub and the kids and Pete (Chloe links arms with Debbie and they all walk to the woolpack)

They walk into the woolpack and all the dingles are there
Everyone: surprise
Debbie: aww what's all this?
Charity: this? It's a welcome home party (Debbie turns round to Chloe)
Chloe: I just thought I'd do something nice for you
Debbie: you didn't have to
Chloe: I know but I wanted too (Debbie hugs Chloe)
Debbie: I have the best sister ever, thank you everyone (gabby and liv walks over to Chloe)

Chloe and liv are sat at a table
Liv: so you and Jacob then?
Chloe: what do you mean? Nothings going on with Jacob
Liv: you do know gabby likes him don't you?
Chloe: yeah but I don't like him
Liv: okay if you say so
Chloe: so who do you like then liv?
Liv: no one (they laugh and Debbie walks over to the table and she sits down opposite Chloe)
Debbie: so are you going to tell me how you broke your ribs then? What's been going on Chlo?
Chloe: I'll tell you after I've been to the toilet (Chloe stands up and walks away)
Debbie: liv what's going on?
Liv: it isn't my place to say, you should talk to your family (liv stands up and walks over to Bernice and Aaron and Robert at the bar)

Debbie walks over to Cain, charity and chas
Debbie: dad what's going on with Chloe?
Cain: what has she said?
Debbie: that she's broken her ribs and that there's a lot she needs to tell me but when I ask, she clamps up
Cain: she was attacked Debbie
Debbie: what? Tell me everything (Cain tells Debbie what has been going on)

Chloe is sat outside on the bench crying
Debbie walks over
Debbie: hey
Chloe: hi
Debbie: I know everything (Debbie sits next to Chloe)
Chloe: who told you?
Debbie: dad. Chloe I wished you'd told me sooner
Chloe: I know, I wanted too but I didn't want to ruin your holiday
Debbie: Chloe all I cared about was you, I wouldn't have minded because your my little sister and I love you
Chloe: I love you too (Debbie hugs Chloe and Chloe breaks down in Debbie's arms)
Debbie: it'll be alright. Chloe I love you so much and I need you to know that you can talk to me about anything. I promise you, I promise you, I'm always going to be there for you alright? (Chloe nods and Debbie kisses Chloe's head)

Chloe and Debbie walk back in the woolpack and over to the bar
Charity: hey
Debbie: we had a talk. I'm just glad to be back with my little sis (Debbie puts her arm around Chloe)
Chloe: things are finally getting back to normal
Cain: meaning you'll bunk off school again?
Chloe: well I don't like school but I'll try to be good at school and I won't bunk off as much
Chas: yeah she's definitely her parents daughter
Debbie: I was the same
Chloe: there's one thing I learnt though
Chas: and what's that?
Chloe: that family is important to me and I wouldn't change you lot for the world expect maybe Mum (everyone Laughs)
Charity: oi you cheeky...
Chloe: joking (everyone laughs and Chloe and Debbie have a side hug)

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I loved writing it :-)

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