Chapter 18 14th birthday

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Chloe walks into the kitchen
Chas, Aaron, Liv, charity and Noah are at the table
Charity: hey Birthday girl
Chloe: hey ( Liv stands up and she hugs Chloe)
Charity: come sit down, chas has made your favourite breakfast
Chas: pancakes
Chloe: thanks. You guys didn't need to make this much fuss
Charity: well of course we did, you've had a tough time this year so we want to make sure you have a great day
Chloe: thank you
Charity: so plans for today, you and Debbie are going shopping
Liv: yeah, I'm jealous
Charity: and then we'll have a few drinks in here
Chloe: as long as I can have a proper drink
Charity: your 14 (they laugh)

Chloe is sat on the sofa with Liv and there talking
Liv: so are you seeing Jacob today then?
Chloe: yeah probably. Liv, don't look at me like that
Liv: like what?
Chloe: like me and Jacob are a thing. We're just mates
Liv: okay, I believe you
Chloe: Liv (they laugh and Debbie walks in)
Debbie: so are you ready then?
Chloe: yeah
Liv: bring me some food back
Chloe: okay, you and your food (they laugh)
Debbie: come on then chlo (Debbie and Chloe walk out)

Chloe is walking with Debbie
They see cain
Chloe: dad
Cain: happy birthday chlo (Cain and Chloe hug)
Chloe: thanks dad
Cain: I'll drop your present around later for these drinks. So what are you two up to today then?
Debbie: we're just going shopping aren't we Chloe? I thought I would get Chlo ready for tonight
Chloe: yeah, I'm really not into dressing up, I'm not exactly a girly girl (they laugh)
Cain: well I best get to work, I'll see you later (Cain kisses Chloe's forehead and he walks away)
Debbie: what's wrong Chlo?
Chloe: I just kind of miss living with him, I mean I love mum but I've always been closer to Dad, he always looks out for us
Debbie: I know, but just see how things go, if you really don't like living with mum then talk to Dad and you can move back in with him
Chloe: it's not that I don't like it though because I do, me and Noah are always messing around and having a laugh, I just really miss my dad
Debbie: come here (Debbie hugs Chloe)

Chloe and Debbie are walking In Hotten
Debbie: how about we buy you a dress for tonight?
Chloe: do we have to? I'm not a dress kind of girl
Debbie: come on, don't you want impress Jacob?
Chloe: Debbie, do not start that (they laugh)
Debbie: come on chlo
Chloe: fine if it'll make you happy, I'll wear a stupid dress
Debbie: come on then (Chloe and Debbie walk round the shops)

Chloe and Debbie have been shopping
There having lunch in the cafe
Debbie: so, I thought we could have a chat
Chloe: about what?
Debbie: anything you want, boys maybe?
Chloe: well there's nothing to tell
Debbie: oh don't give me that. You still obviously like Jacob
Chloe: it's not that obvious
Debbie: well to me it is. I know you better then anyone remember?
Chloe: what do you think I should do?
Debbie: talk to him, tell him how you feel
Chloe: what if he's moved on?
Debbie: as if, he still likes you, trust me, so it's time to stop kidding yourself and go get him
Chloe: alright, maybe I will, maybe I won't (they laugh)

Debbie and Chloe walk into the woolpack and she sees all of her friends and family
Charity: here she is (they all cheer)
Chloe: I thought it was only a few drinks
Sarah: well we wanted to give you a party (Sarah and Chloe hug)
Debbie: you go and put your new outfit on
Chloe: okay. Thank you everyone, I'll be back in a minute (Chloe hugs charity and she walks through to the back)

Chloe walks through to the bar in a dress and her hair is down

Chloe walks through to the bar in a dress and her hair is down

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