Chapter 31 sorting things out

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Chloe walks in the kitchen to see David and Jacob
David: morning, did you sleep well?
Chloe: yeah, it was alright. Listen David, thank you so much for letting me stay, so much has happened recently, it's good to get a break from them lot
David: it's no problem, your always welcome here
Jacob: you don't look very well
Chloe: it's just a touch of morning sickness
Jacob: maybe, you should take the day off
Chloe: no, I'm fine, I want to go in
Jacob: that's not like you, you must be Ill (they laugh)
David: okay, well just take it easy today Chloe, you don't want to overdo it
Chloe: I won't. Now come on Jacob, let's go
Jacob: what about breakfast?
Chloe: yeah, I'm not hungry. I'll get a snack or something
Jacob: alright, see you dad
David: bye kids, have a good day (Jacob and Chloe walk out)

Chloe and Jacob are walking to the bus stop
Sarah: Chloe (they see Noah and Sarah)
Chloe: Sarah (Sarah hugs Chloe)
Sarah: so how are you after yesterday?
Chloe: yeah, I'm fine
Sarah: we all know about yesterday
Noah: everyone will calm down, eventually
Jacob: you think?
Noah: well they've got to
Sarah: yeah the family love Chloe, there not gonna want to lose her. are you alright Chloe? You Look awful
Chloe: yeah, thanks for that Sarah
Jacob: she's got morning sickness
Noah: should you be going to school?
Chloe: well yeah, I'm fine okay? I am
Sarah: well don't look now, here comes trouble (they turn to see Cain)
Chloe: oh here we go
Jacob: it'll be fine, you have us (Cain walks over)
Cain: Chlo
Chloe: look I'm not in the mood for this, I've got morning sickness so whatever you want, just save it
Cain: I haven't come for a argument
Chloe: so what have you came for then?
Cain: to talk (Cain looks at Jacob) on your own
Chloe: I have school
Cain: just have today off, they'll understand
Sarah: yeah, you go and sort everything out, we'll just tell people that your Sick
Noah: yeah
Chloe: thanks guys
Jacob: will you be alright?
Chloe: yeah, I'll be fine, you just go to school (Chloe Smiles at Jacob and she walks away with Cain)

Chloe is at Cain's
Chloe: so what is that you wanted then?
Cain: to talk (Cain sits next to Chloe)
Chloe: about? You just kick off when you get the chance
Cain: alright, maybe I shouldn't have got angry yesterday
Chloe: yeah. You shouldn't have
Cain: I only get angry because I want to protect you, you've been hurt before, I'm just worried about you
Chloe: Dad, Jacob is nothing like Michael. Jacob cares about me (tears roll down Chloe's cheeks) I trust Jacob, I do. He would never hurt me
Cain: but you can't be sure of that. All teenage boys are the same. Chloe, your my little girl, I don't want to see you get hurt. I should have kept calm, yeah, I admit that but I'm not apologising for protecting my daughter
Chloe: I guess I can understand that, I just got mad yesterday at everyone, I'm not a little kid Anymore
Cain: and I realise that, I do. I've just got to let you go a bit
Chloe: Okay, well I forgive you
Cain: come here (Cain hugs Chloe) I love you
Chloe: love you too

Chloe is walking with Cain
Charity and Debbie walk up to them
Charity: what's all this then?
Cain: we've talked things through haven't we Cho? (Chloe smiles at Cain)
Chloe: yeah, we have. Debs, I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday, I was just annoyed
Debbie: it's already forgotten about, come here (Debbie hugs Chloe)
Charity: why didn't you tell us about Jacob?
Chloe: why do you think? I was trying to protect Jacob, I thought that I was doing the right thing
Charity: I guess that makes sense. Just tell us everything for now on
Chloe: I will, I promise
Debbie: you look really pale today
Chloe: yeah, I've got morning sickness
Debbie: well lucky for you, I know the perfect cure. There's only one thing that helped me
Chloe: and what's that?
Debbie: ice cream. You can come back to mine, we'll put on a movie, have a Natter and eat as much ice cream as we want
Chloe: that sounds perfect, but haven't you got work?
Debbie: that can wait, I'm spending time with mr little Sis, that's more important
Cain: yeah, you two go on, I'll be at the garage
Debbie: aww thanks dad
Charity: yeah you two enjoy yourselves
Debbie: we will (Debbie links arms with Chloe and they walk back to Debbie's)

Chloe and Debbie are sat on the sofa eating ice cream
Debbie: Chloe
Chloe: yeah?
Debbie: are you sure this is what you want?
Chloe: yeah, I love ice cream and the movie we've chosen is funny, so of course it is
Debbie: you know what I mean. I mean are you sure you want to have a family with Jacob?
Chloe: well I wasn't but the more I think about it, the more I want it, more then anything
Debbie: well as long as your happy, that's the main thing
Chloe: I am Happy, really
Debbie: good (they smile at each other and Debbie puts her arm around Chloe and Chloe leans into Debbie and they watch the movie)

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter :-)

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