Chapter 27 back to school

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Chloe is going back to school today
Chloe is sat at the table with Sarah and Jack before school
Sarah; so, why do you actually want to go back to school then?
Chloe: because I'm 14, I have to and Also I just want to be with my friends
Sarah: well your mad, I wouldn't go back for nothing (Debbie walks in)
Debbie: so, are you sure that your ready to go back then?
Chloe: yes. Debbie, we've been through this. All I want to do is have a laugh with my mates, just like I use to
Debbie: well I'll take you in. We can have a word with the headteacher
Chloe: seriously?
Debbie: yes. They need to know that your pregnant. They need to look out for you
Chloe: I'm not a baby
Sarah: so because she got pregnant, you have to go to my school and embarrass me as well? Nice one
Debbie: Sarah, your not helping. I'm doing this weather you two like it or not
Chloe: but
Debbie: no buts. Come on let's drop jack off and I'll take you to school (Chloe and Sarah pull a face at each other)
Debbie: I saw that (they laugh and Debbie picks up Jack and they all walk out)

Chloe is at school with Debbie
They've just spoken to the headteacher
Debbie: I'm going to get off, are you sure you'll be okay?
Chloe: I'll be fine
Debbie: just take it easy
Chloe: Debbie I will, I'm not a little kid
Debbie: alright well see you later (Debbie hugs Chloe and she walks away)

Chloe walks up to Jacob
Chloe: Jacob
Jacob: Chloe, I didn't think you'd be back so soon
Chloe: what else is there to do? I want to be with my friends
Jacob: how are you anyway?
Chloe: yeah, I'm good. Have you decided yet weather you want to be apart of the baby's life or?
Jacob: I have thought about it yeah
Chloe: and?
Jacob: and if you want this baby then I'll support you, both of you
Chloe: so we're really doing this then? We're having a baby
Jacob: yeah we're really doing this (they laugh and Chloe hugs Jacob)

Chloe is stood at her locker
Poppy and her friends walk up to her
Poppy: Chloe
Chloe: yeah, what do you want?
Poppy: that's not a very nice welcome is it?
Chloe: well what do you expect?
Poppy: your going to be off school soon aren't you? What is it? About 9 months?
Chloe: what?
Poppy: you are pregnant aren't you?
Chloe: who told you?
Poppy: that doesn't matter
Chloe: just leave me alone
Poppy: I feel sorry for that kid, what? Having you for a mother. We all know your a family of Criminals (poppy and her friends laugh) I mean, your mum didn't even want you when you was a baby, I don't blame her, who would want you? (Chloe's eyes fill with tears) and as for your Dad, he's just a psycho, it won't be long before he's back inside where he belongs. Who's that baby got to look up to? A teenage Slapper, yeah nice one
Liv: oi leave her alone (they turn round to see Liv and gabby)
Gabby: yeah, your out of order poppy. Chloe will be an amazing mother. She might be young, but at least she is nothing like you
Poppy: this is between me and Chloe
Liv: Chloe is our friend. Just do one
Poppy: this isn't over
Gabby: yes it is (poppy and her friends walk away)
Chloe: thanks
Liv: are you okay?
Chloe: I have to go (Chloe walks out of school crying)

Chloe is at the cricket pavilion sat on the balcony bit
She's crying
Noah walks over and sits next to Chloe. Chloe wipes her eyes
Noah: Liv and Gabby said you walked out of school
Chloe: yeah, I had to get out there
Noah: don't let Poppy and her stupid gang get to you
Chloe: but what if there right? What if I'll be a rubbish mum? Just like mum was
Noah: don't listen to them, you have us all helping you out, your not on your own
Chloe: I know, I'm just scared that's all. Normally I can handle poppy having ago at me, it just got to me that everyone will know, they'll all think I'm a slapper, my face won't be worth showing at school
Noah: we won't let you face them on your own
Chloe: thanks Noah, your the best brother. My baby will be so lucky to have you as a uncle (Noah laughs)
Noah: shell we go home?
Chloe: I want to see Dad first
Noah: well I'll see you at home then (Noah stands up and walks away)

Chloe is walking and she sees Debbie and Cain
They go over to Chloe
Debbie: Chlo, I've been so worried about you. Liv told us what happened
Chloe: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have walked out
Debbie: that doesn't matter as long as your alright (Debbie hugs Chloe)
Cain: I'll have a word with that poppy
Chloe: Dad please don't, you'll only make it worst
Cain: okay, well if that what you want
Chloe: can I go back to yours for a bit?
Cain: yeah, of course you can. You know you can
Debbie: well I'll see you at home Chlo
Chloe: okay (Chloe walks away with Cain)

Chloe and Cain are sat on the sofa
Chloe: where's Harriet?
Cain: she's working. I'm more worried about you
Chloe: dad, I'm fine
Cain: are you? Really?
Chloe: yeah
Cain: Chlo, you can talk to me
Chloe: it's just going back to school is a lot harder then what I thought it would be. I don't need the hassle of poppy and her stupid gang. Everyone is judging me, I can tell
Cain: well whatever happens, I know you can get through it, your tough
Chloe: yeah thanks Dad (Chloe hugs Cain) I love you
Cain: love you too (Cain kisses Chloe's head)

I hope you like this chapter :-)
Find out who told lots of people about Chloe pregnancy in the next Chapter

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