Chapter 2 drugs

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At Moira's, Chloe walks out into the kitchen in non uniform
cain: why are you not ready for school?
Chloe: because I'm not going
Cain: yes you are
Chloe: make me (Chloe walks out)
Cain: I don't know what to do With her
Moira: Cain just leave her
Cain: I want her to do well in life
Moira: well it's her choose, if she wants to mess up her life let her
Cain: but I can't just stand by and let my daughter ruin her life
Moria: i know but what choose have we got back if she won't listen? (Moira hugs Cain)

Chloe walks into the cafe
Chloe: Bob can I have some toast please?
Bob: sure (Bob makes the toast) no school today
Chloe: no I just don't feel up to it
Bob: what's wrong?
Chloe: nothing. Oh and I'll have a cuppa please Bob (Chloe hands Bob the money)
Bob: I'll bring it over
Chloe: cheers (Chloe sits down at the table and Michael walks in) hi Michael (Michael sits down)
Michael: what's a pretty girl doing sitting all by herself? (Chloe blushes)
Chloe: nothing.
Michael: well you can help me with something
Chloe: with what?
Michael: meet me later round the corner
Chloe: okay (Bob comes over with chloe toast and cuppa tea) cheers Bob
Michael: see you later Chloe (Bob walks away)
Chloe: bye (Michael stands up and walks away and Chloe drinks her cuppa tea and eats her toast)

Chloe goes outside and meets Michael round the corner and sees he has a stash of drugs
Chloe: what are you doing with those?
Michael: there my mates that's why I need your help
Chloe: with what?
Michael: to get rid of them
Chloe: no way
Michael: why not?
Chloe: because I don't do drugs and my dads gonna go mad
Michael: please help me
Chloe: no sorry (Chloe walks away and chas sees her)
Chas: you okay?
Chloe: yeah fine
Chas: your dad told me you wasn't at school today
Chloe: and let me guess he told you to check up on me.
Chas: no I didn't say that
Chloe: you didn't have too
Chas: he was worried about you
Chloe: why? I'm fine
Chas: well you keep going in these moods
Chloe: I'm a teenager
Chas: well you never use to be like this
Chloe: it's called growing up (Chloe walks away)
Chas: Chloe where you going?
Chloe: anywhere but here
Chas: Chloe (Chloe carry's on walking and charity walks over to Chas)
Charity: was that Chloe?
Chas: yep she's going through that teenage stage where she's always moody.
Charity: oh right glad her dads dealing with it And not me (Chas looks at charity)
Chas: are you serious? Charity she's your daughter
Charity: I know but she made her choose by living with her dad
Chas: you are unbelievable do you know that? (Chas walks off)
Charity: oh come on Chas (charity walks after chas)

Michael walks over to Chloe
Michael: look I want to apologise for earlier
Chloe: it's fine, don't worry about it
Michael: they aren't mine
Chloe: I know
Michael: I like you your very cool.
Chloe: I like you too (Chloe smiles at Michael)
Michael: good (Michael sees Cain) cain
Chloe: Michael what you doing? (Chloe panics and walks away and hides round the corner and Cain walks over to Michael)
Cain: what the hell do you want?
Michael: well I've been chatting with your daughter
Cain: you leave her alone
Michael: or what?
Cain: you don't wanna know what I will do.
Michael: I'm scared (Michael laughs and Cain pins Michael up against the wall)
Cain: leave my daughter alone (Chloe walks over)
Chloe: dad get of him
Cain: no (Cain punches Michael and Michael fights back and they get in a Massive fight and Chloe sees charity and Chas)
Chloe: mum, Chas please help (charity and Chas comes over and stops the fight)
Chas: what's the matter with you Cain?
Charity: and how dare you fight in front of my daughter
Cain: it's never stopped you before
Charity: grow up Cain
Cain: no you. I now understand why our daughter hates you
Charity: well it's you she should hate
Chloe: stop it. I've had enough of you two always fighting.
Charity: Chloe we're sorry.
Chloe: no just forget it (Chloe storms off)
Michael: this isn't over Cain.
Chas: do one
Michael: it's alright don't worry I'm going (Michael Walks away)
Chas: now I understand why Chloe is so moody
Cain: you what?
Chas: you two. Do you even know how to act in front of your daughter?
Charity: of course we do
Chas: well act like it then. I'll go check if she's alright then (chas walks away)

Chas sees Chloe sat on a bench and she Sits next to her
Chas: are you okay kid?
Chloe: yep fine, I'm just so sick of mum and dad fighting all the time, they've been doing it all my life, why can't we all get on?
Chas: Chlo that's never going to happen with them two.
Chloe: I know, but why can't they get on for my sake?
Chas: come here (chas pulls Chloe into a side hug and Cain comes over and Chloe stands up and hugs Cain)
Chloe: I'm sorry dad
Cain: it's me who should be saying sorry, we didn't think about you, I'm sorry
Chloe: dad it's okay, I know you still care about me
Cain: I'll buy you a cake, come on
Chloe: actually, can we just go home please?
Cain: yeah course we can. Come on then kid (Chloe and Cain walk away)

Cain and Chloe walk into the house and Moira is sat at the table
Cain: takeaway?
Chloe: yes please
Moira: you two seem happier now
Chloe: that's because we are
Cain: put a movie on if you want Chlo, whilst I order a takeaway
Chloe: thanks
Cain: and no 18 and over movie
Chloe: yes okay dad (Chloe goes to choose)

Chloe, Moira and Cain sit on the sofa with a takeaway and a movie
Chloe rests her head on Cain and she falls asleep and so does Cain

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