Chapter 17 making up with cain

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Chloe is sat at the table
Charity: so what are you doing today?
Chloe: nothing, why?
Charity: well it's the school holidays, I thought you would be having fun with your mates
Chloe: and I also really like chilling
Charity: look, why don't we go to the cafe?
Chloe: mum, what's going on?
Charity: nothing
Chloe: your acting really weird
Charity: am I?
Chloe: yeah
Charity: alright I told your dad, we'd meet him in the cafe
Chloe: that's not happening
Charity: oh come on Chloe, he's your dad
Chloe: do you not like having me here?
Charity: Chloe, of course I do, you know I do
Chloe: yeah? Well it just feels like your trying to get rid of me
Charity: that's so far from the true (Chloe stands up)
Chloe: if you don't want me here then just say because I'll go (tears roll down Chloe's face) I'm 14 Tomorrow, I thought I could spend it with you guys but I'm so unwanted
Charity: Chloe (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is sat on the swing
Jacob on the swing next to her
Jacob: are you okay?
Chloe: what?
Jacob: are you okay?
Chloe: yeah, Yeah, I'm fine
Jacob: Well you don't seem it
Chloe: well I am
Jacob: Chloe, seriously tell me what's up
Chloe: you wouldn't understand
Jacob: try me
Chloe: I thought you hated me
Jacob: I don't hate you, I could never. Yeah I was angry but so were you and I want us to be mates again
Chloe: me too, it's rubbish us not talking isn't it?
Jacob: yeah (we laugh) so are you going to tell me what's going on?
Chloe: just family. Dads been having a relationship with Harriet. He broke up with Moira. I'm just so angry at dad, I mean how can he split this family up? We were so happy
Jacob: I don't know. Sometimes parents do things that aren't right and they let us down
Chloe: yeah but my parents do that all of the time. My mum doesn't really want me at the woolpack, she just wants me at dad's but she's meant to be my mum, I should be allowed to live with her. I wanted to spend my birthday with her. She doesn't want me
Jacob: she does Chloe, of course she wants you
Chloe: it don't feel like that. When did my family get such a mess? I sort of went off on one at mum, no wonder why she doesn't want me
Jacob: if she can cope with Noah, she can cope with you (Chloe and Jacob laugh)
Chloe: I guess so
Jacob: why don't you go home and apologise to your mum? And be extra nice to her
Chloe: yeah, I think I will (Chloe stands up) thanks Jacob (Chloe hugs Jacob and they smile at each other and Chloe walks away)

Chloe walks into the back took off the woolpack
Charity is sat at the table with Chas
Chas: oh, your back
Chloe: yeah
Charity: your dad phoned by the way
Chloe: yeah?
Charity: yeah, he's pretty cut up about you
Chloe: then maybe he shouldn't have split up with Moira
Chas: Chloe, these things happen
Chloe: yeah, like I believe that, I'm not a little kid Chas (Chloe sits next to charity)
Chas: I'll leave you too it (Chas walks out)
Chloe: mum please don't make me go back, I like it here with you and Noah
Charity: you don't have to go back if that's not what's you want, sorry if I made you feel un wanted
Chloe. It's okay, I'm sorry I was such a cow
Charity: it's forgotten. But do one thing for me won't you Chloe?
Chloe: what's that?
Charity: at least try and talk to your dad. He loves you so much Chloe, he would do anything to see you happy
Chloe: okay, I'll try
Charity: good. Come here (charity and Chloe hug) I love you
Chloe: love you too

Chloe is walking and she sees Cain
Cain: Chloe
Chloe: mum said we should talk
Cain: for once, your mum is making sense (they laugh)
Chloe: dad
Cain: yeah?
Chloe: I want to live with mum. Just for a bit at least
Cain: if your happy, then I am
Chloe: it's not Because I don't love you because I do and I'm so grateful for everything that you have done for me dad
Cain: I know (Cain looks down) if you ever need anything. You know where I am
Chloe: oh don't worry, I'll be begging you for money every day
Cain: come here (Cain hugs Chloe)

Cain is with Harriet at hers
Harriet: what's going on Cain?
Cain: nothing
Harriet: your just not acting like yourself, you can talk to me you know
Cain: it's just Chloe
Harriet: is this about her wanting to live with charity?
Cain: yeah. For a while, it's just been me and Chloe apart from Moira. We've always been a team
Harriet: and you can still be. You'll get to see her every day
Cain: thank you
Harriet: for what?
Cain: for being an amazing girlfriend (Cain and Harriet kiss)

Chloe is sat on the sofa with Noah
Noah: so you've picked to live with us then?
Chloe: yeah, let's just see how things go. I wouldn't put it past mum to let us down again
Noah: yeah but at least we have each other
Chloe: yeah (Chloe and Noah smile at each other and charity walks in)
Charity: how about a pizza tonight? My treat (Chloe and Noah laugh) what?
Noah: nothing
Chloe: it's just that your normally never like this
Charity: like what?
Chloe: the perfect mum
Charity: look I know I haven't been a great mum (charity sits next to Noah) but I want to try, I want to be the mum that you kids deserve
Noah: thanks mum
Chloe: yeah as long as your trying
Charity: so that pizza then?
Chloe: yeah, go on then
Noah: yeah, I want the largest pizza
Chloe: yeah, so do I, with extra chips
Charity: yeah, you two are going to be double trouble ( they laugh and Chloe and Noah high five)

Stayed tuned for Chloe's 14th birthday to see what happens ❤️

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