Chapter 19 Date with Jacob

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Chloe is walking with Jacob
They see Debbie and Pete are arguing
Jacob: what's going on there?
Chloe: I don't know, I'll go find out
Jacob: do you want me to come with you?
Chloe: no, you go home or whatever you want to do. I'll Meet you later
Jacob: okay, if your sure
Chloe: i am
Jacob: see you in a bit (Jacob walks away and Chloe walks up to Debbie and Pete)
Chloe: what's going on?
Debbie: nothing, we were just talking
Chloe: it sounded more like arguing
Debbie: it's nothing
Pete: are you going to tell her or am I?
Debbie: Pete. Don't drag her into this, she's my little sister, it's not right
Chloe: tell me what?
Pete: well
Debbie: Pete
Pete: Debbies been cheating on me
Chloe: what? With who?
Pete: with my brother, Ross
Chloe: you cheated on Pete with his brother?
Debbie: it wasn't like that
Chloe: then what was it like?
Pete: I'm going to work (Pete walks away)
Chloe: how could you do that to Pete?
Debbie: don't start Chloe, just don't start
Chloe: but I want to know what's been going on, you lot don't seem to be telling me anything
Debbie: can you blame us? Your just a little kid Chloe
Chloe: why are you being like this?
Debbie: maybe, I just want to be left alone. Go home Chloe (Debbie walks away)

Chloe walks up to Cain
Chloe: dad
Cain: can't this wait? I have work, I'm late
Chloe: your the boss. You can be late if you want to
Cain: okay, what's going on?
Chloe: I'm really worried about Debbie
Cain: why?
Chloe: her and Pete have split up, she cheated on him with his own brother
Cain: yeah, I know
Chloe: wait, what? You knew?
Cain: yeah, for a couple of months
Chloe: and you didn't tell me?
Cain: it wasn't my place to say anything
Chloe: but Debbie is my sister, I should of known
Cain: it was nothing to do with you
Chloe: I'm your daughter too incase you forgot. You all just treat me like I'm some little kid, I'm 14, I can handle it
Cain: I know, I'm sorry I Never told you okay?
Chloe: just forget it (Chloe walks away)
Cain: Chloe (Chloe ignores him and she carries on walking)

Chloe is sat in the cafe with Jacob
Jacob: so I thought we would do something later, just me and you
Chloe: like what?
Jacob: meet me at the cricket pavilion and you'll Find out (they laugh)
Chloe: okay, I would love to (Debbie walks in)
Debbie: Chlo, about earlier, I'm sorry
Chloe: then why say it all?
Debbie: I was just annoyed
Chloe: yeah, at the mess you caused. Just because I'm your little sister, doesn't mean you can take it out on me
Debbie: I know
Chloe: I don't think you do
Debbie: Chlo (Chloe doesn't say anything and Debbie walks out)
Jacob: what was all that about?
Chloe: just Debbie, being Debbie, thinking about herself, as usual
Jacob: go on, explain
Chloe: she Cheated on Pete, with his brother
Jacob: no way
Chloe: yep, why do my family always mess up?
Jacob: just forget our families, what matters is just you and me
Chloe: yeah, totally (they laugh and they smile at each other)

Chloe is walking with Liv
Liv: so you and Jacob then?
Chloe: yeah, me and Jacob (they laugh)
Liv: well you look happy enough
Chloe: yeah, yeah I am. Jacob's got a surprise for me at the cricket pavilion
Liv: what do you think it is?
Chloe: I don't know but I can't wait to find out, just spending time with Jacob
Liv: aww, look at you all loved up
Chloe: shut up (they laugh and charity walks up to them) mum
Charity: I'm just checking your going to be home for tea tonight, I'm cooking
Chloe: well in that case, not a chance
Charity: you cheeky..
Chloe: joking (Chloe laughs) but seriously though, I'm going out
Charity: where?
Chloe: just with a mate, why do you need to know?
Charity: because I'm your mum and if you are going out, make sure your home before 10
Chloe: I'm 14
Charity: yeah exactly. Now I'll see you at home (charity walks away)
Chloe: how tight is that?
Liv: I know, it's like charity has turned into the perfect mother all of the sudden
Chloe. I know, she's been taken over by aliens (they laugh and they carry on walking)

Chloe is getting ready for her date with Jacob

She's all ready Charity walks in Charity: and where are you going in that?Chloe: just out with a mate, I told you already Charity: dressed like that, hair and make up done, I say there's a boy involved Chloe: well you can think what you like, now ...

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She's all ready
Charity walks in
Charity: and where are you going in that?
Chloe: just out with a mate, I told you already
Charity: dressed like that, hair and make up done, I say there's a boy involved
Chloe: well you can think what you like, now see you (Chloe is about to walk away)
Charity: Chloe, hang on please
Chloe: what?
Charity: Don't lie to me, your going to see a boy aren't you?
Chloe: no, mum I've already told you, for the last time no. I'm meeting up with Gabby, if you must know
Charity: alright then, just be carful yeah?
Chloe: yes mother
Charity: be home before 10
Chloe: yes
Charity: I mean it Chloe, I know what you teenagers are like
Chloe: when have you ever cared?
Charity: I am trying to a better mum, well if you would let me
Chloe: can I go now?
Charity: yeah, go on then (Chloe walks out)

Chloe walks up to the cricket pavilion and she sees Jacob on the balcony bit with fairy lights and candles and the little shed is lit up
Chloe: what's all this?
Jacob: well it's for you. I wanted to make it really romantic
Chloe: Jacob, I love it, this is the best surprise ever
Jacob: yeah?
Chloe: yeah (Jacob and Chloe hug and they kiss)

Chloe and Jacob are sat on the step talking
Jacob: I'm really glad me and you are finally together
Chloe: yeah, me too. It feels right doesn't it?
Jacob: yeah definitely. I really like you
Chloe: well I really like you too, your really cool, your nice, your a bit of an idiot (they laugh) but that what makes you so great
Jacob: and your the most Beautiful girl in school, your funny, your loving, your a bit mad (Chloe laughs) you stand up for what's right and I'm really falling for you (chloe and Jacob look at each other and they lean in and they kiss and they stand up about to go in the shed) listen, are you sure about this?
Chloe: I am, if you are
Jacob: yeah of course, I just don't want you to regret anything, you've been through a lot
Chloe: Jacob, I'm okay, they'll be no regrets. I want this more then anything
Jacob: so do I (Jacob and Chloe Kiss and they go in the shed and they carry on kissing)

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter of Chloe and Jacob 😊

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