Chapter 25 the appointment part 2

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Chloe is with the nurse at the clinic
Debbie is sat Next to her
Nurse: you've just got to take these two tablets (Chloe just sits there)
Debbie: Chlo?
Chloe: what? Yeah, sorry, I zoned out
Nurse: Chloe, are you sure you want to do this? Nobody would blame you if you were having second thoughts
Chloe: but I can't be a mum, I just can't. My mum (Chloe starts crying) she hasn't been the best mum to us growing up and I don't want to turn out like her but what if I am? What if I'm just like her and I can't cope with having a kid around, I'll be just like mum and dad, I can't do that to a kid, I know how it feels to have parents arguing all the time and thinking about themselves rather then their kid
Debbie: Chlo. You have me to help you. Look at me with my kids, I'm nothing like mum or dad, we're not the same as them, we're different (Debbie holds Chloe's hand) whatever you choose to do, I'm right by your side every step of the way and I'll support you
Chloe: thank you (Chloe wipes her eyes)
Nurse: so have you decided what you want to do? It seems like you've got a good support network around you, no matter what
Debbie: yeah she has
Nurse: this is a big thing and the decision shouldn't be taken lightly, the emotional impact this could have on anyone, let alone a 14 year old
Chloe: I know all that (Chloe stands up) I can't do this, I'm sorry, I just can't (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is stood outside crying
Debbie walks over
Debbie: Chlo (Chloe turns round) what happened in their?
Chloe: I can't do it Debbie, I just can't. I'm keeping the baby, I know that mum and dad will be so angry but I can't give my baby up, I want to be a better mum then our one was
Debbie: eh, come here (Debbie hugs Chloe) it's okay. Ssh (Debbie kisses Chloe's head)

Chloe and Debbie are at the woolpack
Charity: so where did you sulk of to then? (Chloe doesn't say anything) well?
Chloe: like you would even care
Charity: I'm still your mum. So where were you?
Chloe: none of your business
Debbie: mum, just leave it. She's had a hard day, just let me deal with it
Charity: deal with what?
Debbie: mum, I mean it. Just leave her alone (Chloe and Debbie go into the back)

Chloe and Debbie are on the sofa
Debbie: are you okay?
Chloe: I'm fine. I'm just thinking. how am I going to tell mum and dad? They'll hate me
Debbie: eh no they won't. Mum and dad love us no matter what we do, I can promise that
Chloe: I wish I would of just stayed with Dad, I really miss it
Debbie: I know but you can see him soon. So what do you want to do now?
Chloe: can I stay with you?
Debbie: Chlo, I don't know
Chloe: please Debs. I can't be here, please. You promised that you would support me and it would only be for a bit please
Debbie: fine, you can stay at mine if that's what you want. Sarah and Jack would love to have you staying
Chloe: thank you (Charity Walks in)
Charity: so what's going on then?
Chloe: mum, Don't go mad
Charity: about what?
Chloe: me and Debbie were at the abortion clinic
Charity: what? Oh darling (charity sits next to Chloe) why didn't you tell me? (tears roll down Chloe's cheeks)
Chloe: because I was angry at you, I hated it when you shouted at Manpreet, she was only trying to help
Charity: I know and I'm sorry about that, I am. Why don't you go upstairs? And I'll run you a hot bath and I'll bring you up a hot chocolate
Debbie: mum, there's something else
Charity: what?
Chloe: at the clinic, I couldn't go through with the abortion (charity is shocked) mum I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
Charity: eh its okay (charity puts her arm around Chloe and Chloe leans into her) it's okay
Debbie: Chloe's coming to stay with me for a bit
Charity: what? But I can look after you here, anything you need and I'll be there for you
Chloe: I'm sorry mum, I'm not doing this to hurt you, I want to be debs, at least for a bit until things calm down
Charity: alright, if that's what you want
Chloe: thanks mum. Can you do something for me though?
Charity: yeah of course, anything
Chloe: can you talk to dad about it? please
Charity: I don't know
Chloe: please mum
Charity: alright, I'll talk to him
Chloe: thanks mum (Chloe smiles at Charity)

Chloe is at Debbie's
Debbie walks in with Cain
Cain: so I've been talking to your Mum
Chloe: dad, I'm so sorry
Cain: it's okay
Chloe: what?
Cain: well it's not ideal the situation that your in but we'll just have to get used to it, your my daughter and I want to support you
Chloe: dad (Chloe hugs Cain) but I've let you down
Cain: you can never let me down, none of my kids can
Debbie: well that's a relief (they laugh)
Cain: come here, both of you (Cain hugs Chloe and Debbie and he kisses their heads)
Debbie: well this is strange
Chloe: yeah definitely. But we love you Dad
Debbie: yeah, what she said
Cain: love you girls too. Now I'm going to get off, Will you be alright here?
Chloe: yeah, I'll be fine. You go be with Harriet and give Kyle and Issac a big hug from Me
Cain: I will do. See you later
Debbie: bye (Cain walks out) what are you thinking?
Chloe: that I might just give dad and Harriet a chance. Well she Makes him happy doesn't she? I'll stay here for a bit, then hopefully I'll be back with dad, where I belong
Debbie: well your always welcome here (Debbie hugs Chloe) now, how about a takeaway tonight? My treat
Chloe: yeah, go on then. I'm eating for 2 now
Debbie: right well I'll be back in a minute (Debbie walks out leaving Chloe smiling)

Hope you enjoy this chapter
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