Chapter 28 More Drama

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Chloe is sat at the kitchen table with Debbie before school
Debbie: listen, are you sure your going to be alright?
Chloe: yeah. I can't lie, I'm bricking it, the whole school knowing about the baby
Debbie: well if anyone Saids anything then tell someone or tell me and your dad
Chloe: I think I'll be alright, I don't want to be known as someone who can't fight her own battles (they laugh) I have my mates, Debs, you don't have to worry
Debbie: alright then (Sarah Walks in)
Sarah: are you ready to go or what?
Chloe: yeah, come on then
Debbie: be good kids. Sarah remember what I said
Sarah: yes, keep an eye on Chloe, I know. I'm in year 7 and she's year 10, I think she can manage
Debbie: Sarah
Chloe: yeah I can manage. Seriously Debbie, I can look after myself
Debbie: if your Sure
Chloe: of course I'm sure, I'm a Dingle, we can do anything. Come on Sarah (Chloe and Sarah walk out)

Chloe walks over to the bus stop with Sarah
They see Leanna with poppy
Sarah: just ignore her, don't even look at her, there not worth it
Chloe: but what's Leanna doing with her?
Sarah: I don't know (Leanna and poppy walk over to Chloe)
Poppy: oh the slapper has decided to try and come back to school again, Oh how cute
Sarah: just leave her alone
Poppy: getting your niece to fight your battles now?
Chloe: your really not worth our time
Poppy: Leanna here was just telling me all about you
Chloe: what?
Leanna: I didn't say anything
Poppy: oh it's okay, you can tell the truth
Chloe: I don't know what your talking about
Poppy: it was Leanna that told us all that your pregnant
Chloe: no, your lying, Leanna wouldn't do that
Poppy: well your wrong
Chloe: Leanna?
Leanna: Chloe, I swear, I didn't say anything, I wouldn't do that to you
Sarah: oh give it up Leanna, you obviously did, how else would they find out?
Leanna: alright maybe I did
Chloe: but why?
Leanna: because I like Jacob and he's too busy pining after you to even notice me
Sarah: but that isn't Chloe's fault
Leanna: of course it is. I'll never get with Jacob now that she's up the duff
Chloe: I don't blame Jacob for never looking at you
Leanna: what?
Chloe: your so spiteful and stuck up. I actually thought that you were my friend, a good friend. You know Leanna? Me and you, were done, we're no longer friends (the bus comes and they get on it)

Chloe is stood at her locker with Jacob
Jacob: I can't believe Leanna would do that? I'll talk to her
Chloe: Jacob, just leave it. I really thought Leanna was my friend and that I could trust her to keep her mouth shut but I was wrong (Chloe eyes well up with tears)
Jacob: Chloe, come here
Chloe: no, just leave it, I'm fine. I'm fine (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is stood outside
Gabby and Liv walk over to her
Gabby: not having a good week are you?
Chloe: no, it's been the worst
Liv: we heard about what Leanna did, how can she do this?
Chloe: because she's a cow, who doesn't care about anyone else but herself
Gabby: well you can't let her get away with it
Chloe: don't worry, I won't
Gabby: well whatever you do, we have your back, don't we liv?
Liv: yeah, of course
Gabby: there's the bitch herself (they see Leanna)
Chloe: I have to talk to her (Chloe walks over to Leanna with gabby and Liv behind her) Leanna
Leanna: Chloe. Listen about earlier, poppy just got it out of me
Chloe: I don't want to hear it. Your meant to be my best mate, how could you do this to me? (Chloe starts crying and everyone starts watching) poppy hates me. How could you hang out with her, knowing what she's like?
Leanna: if I didn't, they would start on me too, I didn't know what else to do
Chloe: well your just a coward (Jacob, Noah and Sarah walk over)
Jacob: Chloe, come on just leave it
Sarah: yeah, she's not worth it
Chloe: no, I'm not finished. The whole school is calling me a slapper, do you even know how that feels? For now on, I want nothing to do with you, your just a evil little Cow, stay away from me or you don't even wanna know what would happen (Chloe walks away)

Chloe, Sarah and Noah are walking home
Sarah: don't let Leanna get to you
Noah: Sarah's right, none of them are worth it
Chloe: it's easy for you to say, nobody is calling you a slapper are they? Or calling you names?
Sarah: yeah but you have us
Chloe: sticking with little kids, yeah that's great
Noah: but we're not just anyone though are we? We're family
Chloe: thanks but I can do this alone (Chloe walks away and Cain walks over to her) Dad (Chloe hugs Cain)
Cain: woah, what's all this? (Chloe keeps hugging Cain)

Chloe is sat on the sofa with Cain
Cain: so, what's happened then?
Chloe: nothing, it's fine
Cain: Chloe, talk to me. Whatever it is, we can sort it
Chloe: it was Leanna, she told poppy about me being pregnant and poppy told everyone at school. Now there all calling me names
Cain: oh Chloe
Chloe: how could Leanna do this to me? She knows Poppy hates me
Cain: kids can be horrible, you've just gotta ignore them, don't let them get to you
Chloe: what's the point of even going back to school? I'll have to leave in a few months anyway
Cain: eh, Dingles are fighters, we don't give up. When we get knocked down, we get right up again
Chloe: yeah. It's just been a crap week
Cain: well you can come and see me, whenever. And as for them girls, I'll have a word with them
Chloe: Thanks dad (Chloe hugs Cain) your the best
Cain: I know (they laugh) now, come on we're going out (Chloe and Cain stand up and they walk out)

Chloe and Cain are walking
They see poppy, Leanna and Poppy's gang
Chloe and Cain go over to them
Poppy: aww, It's Chloe and her dad, how sweet
Chloe: I wouldn't if I was you
Cain: I want a word with you
Poppy: with me?
Cain: with all of you. You've been upsetting my daughter, nobody gets away with that
Poppy: and what are you going to do? You can't touch me, I'll just go to the police, my parents won't be happy
Cain: No, I can't, but I know someone that can. Now you listen to me, if you keep being nasty to Chloe, if you even so much as look at her or give her a funny look, then I'll be there and remember, me and her mum have been inside before, we know people. And as for you Leanna, you stay away from Chloe, you were her friend and you went off with them. That goes to all of you, stay away from my daughter (Cain walks away and Chloe smirks) come on Chlo (Chloe walks after Cain and Cain puts his arm around Chloe)

Chloe is at Debbie's
There sat at the table with Sarah and Jack
Chloe is telling Them what Cain did
Chloe: how cool is that? Dad proper showed them
Sarah: I wish I was there, I bet there faces were a picture (they laugh)
Debbie: so hopefully, they'll leave you alone now and if they don't, they'll know what will happen
Chloe: yeah, looks like things are going to be okay after all (they smile at each other)

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter :-)

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