Chapter 8 the verdict

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This chapter is the verdict :-)
Guys over 1000 people have seen this story :-) thank you all so much ❤️😘😘

Cain and Moira are in the kitchen sat at the table
Chloe walks in
Cain: morning
Chloe: morning dad (Chloe sits down next to Cain at the table)
Cain: so I was thinking we could go out tonight to celebrate that creep getting sent down
Chloe: dad we don't know that yet
Cain: yeah we do he's gonna get what he deserves
Chloe: yesterday I messed it up though. I lost my temper. That stupid solicitor was twisting my words and it made it sound like I'm the person in the wrong (Chloe has tears in her eyes)
Moira: that's just her job Chloe
Chloe: yeah a harsh one (tears roll down Chloe's cheek and she wipes her tears and Cain puts his hand on top of Chloe's)
Cain: eh don't get upset. Your stronger then this Chloe
Chloe: no I'm not
Cain: yes you are. You did amazing yesterday, you made people believe you. You can do this, i believe in you and no matter what happens today we'll be in this together (Cain hugs Chloe and Chloe stands up)
Chloe: I'm going to sort my face out (Chloe walks out)
Cain: she's in a state. but she's going to be fine. She's going to get through this
Moira: your such a good dad. I'm proud of you (Moira kisses Cain's cheek)

Chloe walks into the pub with Jacob Cain and Moira
charity: hey Chlo I heard you were good yesterday
Moira: she was more then good, she was brilliant (Moira touches Chloe's shoulders)
Chloe: thanks anyway I can't stop long, got to get to the verdict (charity comes over to the bar and walks over to Chloe)
Charity: look Chlo I know we don't really get on but I am proud of you, you know?
Chloe: are you?
charity: Chlo of course I am. Your still my baby girl right?
Chloe: I stopped being your little girl a long time ago
Charity: I know that and if I could turn back time, I would
Chloe: well you can't, every time I need you your not their. I'm 13, I need a mum and you weren't their (tears roll down Chloe's face) it's dad all the time. Where were you yesterday whilst I was in court? Oh yeah you were working like always
charity: I have to work
Chloe: no you could of closed for the day but you were trying to avoid me
charity: no it weren't like that
Chloe: then what was it like? you and dad always argue even when I was in hospital and I'm sick of it, I've had enough of everything (Chloe breaks down in tears)
charity: oh darling (charity hugs Chloe) my baby girl. Darling (charity hugs Chloe and charity has tears in her eyes) ssh don't cry (charity kisses Chloe's head)

Chloe and charity are sat on the sofa at the back of the wool pack and chas and Cain are standing in the kitchen
charity: do you want to talk about it?
Chloe: no thanks I'm alright
Charity: I'll come with you today if you want me too
Chloe: you don't have too. Your working remember?
Charity: Chlo we need to sort this out
Cain: sort what out? Chloe wants nothing to do with you and I don't blame her. Having you as a mother
charity: and your the perfect dad aren't you?
Cain: at least I'm their for her when it matters
charity: look I try my best (charity stands up)
Cain: yeah well not hard enough obviously (charity walks over to Cain and chas sits next to Chloe and she puts her arm around her whilst Cain and charity argue)
Chloe: stop it!
Charity: what?
Chloe: stop arguing! I've had enough of everything, just shut up
Charity: well this time isn't my fault. He started it
Chas: listen to yourself's this isn't helping anything. How are you two parents? I'm surprised Chloe, Noah and Moses ain't in care (Chloe looks at chas) I'm sorry chlo but it's true
charity: look Chloe I'm sorry and Diane will look after the bar, I already asked her
Chloe: I just want to get this over with. Can we go now please (Chloe and chas stand up and Cain walks over to Chloe and puts his arm over her)
Cain: come on then. Charity you stay here
Charity: are you sure?
Chas: we'll call you if we need anything (Cain Chloe and chas walk out)

Cain, Moira,Chloe chas and Jacob sit in the gallery in the court
Their interviewing Michael
Chloe's solicitor john; how could you do that to a 13 year old girl? How could you be so cruel?
Michael: the thing with Chloe is she acts so sweet and innocent but she's not. She knew exactly what she was doing
John: what are you trying to say?
Michael: that she knew what she was getting into but that didn't stop her. The little tart (cain's getting angry so Chloe whispers to him)
Chloe: dad it's okay
john: you kicked and punched her until she was unconscious. How can you justify that?
Michael: Chloe's a liar. She must of got mugged or something and then blamed it on me, I wasn't even their. She needs to stop spreading nasty lies (tears roll down Chloe's face and she wipes them and Jacob puts his hand on Chloe's shoulder)
john: shes a teenager and you manipulated her to get at her father Because you knew they were close
Michael: no it wasn't like that. Whatever Chloe has said are lies. She's a messed up kid with un sable parents (john continues interviewing Michael)

john is sat down and Michael solicitor stands up
Michaels solicitor: would you say Chloe led you on Michael?
Michael: yeah she did. she knew exactly what she was doing. Chloe she's smart and what she wants she gets. I didn't want her but she wanted me and none of this would of happened if it weren't for her (Michael points at Chloe and they carry on with the rest of the interview)

Michael is stood up
judge: Michael do you plead guilty or not guilty?
Michael: not guilty
Cain: what? (Cain stands up) you can't get away with this. You hurt my daughter
Judge: silence in court
Cain: she was a vulnerable young girl and you took advantage of her and you used her
judge: if you don't sit down and be quiet then you'll be removed from the court (Cain is about to say something)
Chloe: dad don't. You'll get thrown out (Cain sits down next to Chloe again and then Chloe puts her head on cain's shoulder)
Judge: we'll have a short break whilst the jury make a decision (they all stand up and they walk out)

Chloe is sat next to Jacob and Cain is talking to Moira and chas
Jacob; look whatever happens in their, I just want you to know that it'll all be okay and I'm here for you (Chloe has tears in her eyes)
Chloe: I'm scared
Jacob: I know but we'll face it together, your my best friend and your the strongest person I know (Chloe puts her head on Jacobs shoulder and Jacob puts his arm over Chloe)

A woman walks in
woman: it's time to go back in (everyone stands up and Cain puts his arm over Chloe)
Cain; you can do this (they all walk back in)

Everyone is back in the court room
Judge: the jury has made a decision on the verdict. Can one person from the jury please stand (a man stands up) have you reached the verdict witch you have all agreed?
Man: yes
judge: how do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty? (Jacob holds Chloe's hand)
man: guilty (tears roll down Chloe's face and Cain hugs her)
Moira: congratulations Chloe
Cain: it's all going to be okay now
Chas: you did good kid
Jacob: I told you he wouldn't get away with it (Chloe wipes her tears)

they walk in the pub to see everyone
Charity: so what's happened?
Cain; he got found guilty, it's all over (chas hugs Chloe)
chas: I'm proud of you
Chloe: thanks chas (everyone congratulations Chloe and charity walks over to Chloe) mum (charity hugs Chloe)

Chloe is sat on the sofa at Moira house with Cain
Cain; how are you feeling?
Chloe: weird. I just can't believe it's over
Cain: well believe it kid. I'm so proud of you
Chloe: thanks dad. Right I'm going to bed
Cain: okay then, night (Chloe kisses cain's cheek)
Chloe: night dad (Chloe stands up and walks upstairs)

Comment ideas guys :-)
I may be slow updating because school has started again. I'm in year 11 ❤️
Thanks for everyone's support on this book and I hope you guys enjoy as much as I like writing these :-)

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