Chapter 29 Telling the Family

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Chloe is stood at the bus stop before school with Sarah and Noah
There talking
Sarah: double maths, 1st thing in the morning, boring
Chloe: at least your not in a class full of losers, the only person I like is Jacob, Leanna's just a cow. Can't wait until I leave
Noah: I wish we could leave
Sarah: yeah, I might just run off and get myself pregnant
Chloe: no, don't even think about it (They laugh And Cain walks over)
Cain: are you alright this morning?
Chloe: yeah, I'm good, everything's going to get better, I can feel it
Sarah: Apart from going to school
Noah: yeah, it's so boring
Chloe: well apart from that (they laugh) listen, thanks dad, for yesterday. If you haven't of talked to them, it would of got worst, way worst
Cain: well I'm always here for you Kiddo
Chloe: Thanks dad (Chloe hugs Cain and Leanna walks over)
Cain: do you want me to stay until the bus comes?
Chloe: no, You can go
Cain: are you sure?
Chloe: yes, I'm sure. I'll be okay, I am a Dingle after all
Cain: Alright, Call me if anything happens (Cain kisses Chloe's cheek) bye
Sarah: bye Grandad
Noah: yeah, see you (Cain walks away)
Leanna: Chloe, can we talk?
Chloe: I don't think so
Leanna: Chloe
Sarah: you heard her, she doesn't want you to talk to her, I thought you'd get the message by now
Chloe: Sarah, just leave it, I don't want no more trouble (the bus comes) come on (They get on the bus)

Chloe is at her locker with Jacob
Jacob: so everything's sorted then?
Chloe: yep, thanks to my dad
Jacob: well you look happier anyway, it suits you (Chloe smiles at Jacob and Blushes)
Chloe: thanks Jacob (Chloe kisses Jacob's cheek)
Jacob: Anyway, I was thinking
Chloe: don't think to hard will you? (They laugh)
Jacob: Maybe we should start telling people that I'm the father
Chloe: But Jacob, we can't, my dad will kill you
Jacob: I don't care, I've got you and our baby, I'm not going anywhere, your family will just have to get used to that
Chloe: okay then, I'll tell my family to meet us in the woolpack tonight
Jacob: I'll text my dad too, and Leyla
Chloe: so are we really doing this then?
Jacob: looks that way yeah (Chloe kisses Jacob and they hug)

It's lunch
Chloe is walking with Liv and Gabby
Gabby: so you and Jacob are going out then?
Chloe: yeah, we're telling our family's tonight about Jacob being the dad
Liv: well good luck, your going to need it, with our family
Chloe: I'm hoping it won't kick of
Liv: Chloe, our family always kick off, even about the smallest of thing, like doing there tea wrong (they laugh and Leanna walks over)
Gabby: what do you want?
Leanna: I want a word with Chloe
Liv: that's never going to happen
Chloe: guys, I can handle this. Has poppy ditched you already then?
Leanna: yeah, something like that
Chloe: well, You've got 5 minutes
Gabby: you can't be serious?
Liv: yeah, after everything she's done?
Chloe: this is my choice, I want to know why she did it
Gabby: she doesn't even deserve a chance to explain
Chloe: maybe not, but I need to hear it. Come on, we'll go outside (Chloe and Leanna walk out)

Chloe and Leanna are stood outside
Chloe: so what did you want then?
Leanna: to explain
Chloe: go on then
Leanna: I feel really bad about what happened, I never wanted to tell poppy
Chloe: then why did you?
Leanna: they just got it out of me, they kept on asking me questions about you, if I didn't tell them anything, they would turn on me, I didn't know what else to do
Chloe: so you decided to betray your friend?
Leanna: yeah and I'm sorry, I really am, I never wanted this to happen, they told the whole school. I shouldn't have said anything. I was a coward, I should of stood up for you, I know that now
Chloe: and you mean all this? It's not Another trick?
Leanna: no, no tricks
Chloe: alright, I guess I get why you did. Just don't do anything like that again
Leanna: I won't, I promise (Chloe hugs Leanna)

It's after School
Chloe is walking with Jacob
Jacob: are you ready for this then?
Chloe: no, what if they get angry at you?
Jacob: so what? We have each other, that's what matters
Chloe: yeah, your right (Chloe kisses Jacob) I'll just pop home, I'll meet you outside the woolpack at 6
Jacob: yeah, okay (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is at home
Debbie walks in
Debbie: why do you want us all to go to the woolpack then?
Chloe: I'm going to tell everyone about Jacob being the dad
Debbie: are you sure you want to do this? Once you do this, there's no going back
Chloe: I'm sure, I can talk to dad, stop him from going crazy at Jacob, I'll talk to mum too
Debbie: well at least we're there to stop them from going mad, I suppose
Chloe: thanks Debs, your the best (Chloe hugs Debbie)

There all In the woolpack
Charity: so come on then, what have you got everyone here for then?
Chloe: I have some news
Cain: what news?
Chloe: well actually we do (Jacob walks over to Chloe)
David: so this is why you got us here then?
Jacob: yeah
Leyla: so, come on then spit it out (Chloe looks at Debbie and Debbie smiles at her)
Chloe: me and Jacob are together and we also have something else to tell you all, Jacob's also the father of my baby (Everyone is shocked)

How will the Dingle's react to Chloe and Jacob's news?
Find out in the next chapter :-)

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