Chapter 32 The Scan

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Chloe has stayed at Debbie's
Chloe walks downstairs
Debbie: oh hey
Chloe: I didn't mean to sleep here, Jacob will be worried
Debbie: you looked like you could of done with the sleep
Chloe: yeah, I was so tired. Thanks debs
Debbie: for what?
Chloe: for the chat last night. Everything's been a mess
Debbie: I know but things will be okay
Chloe: I was thinking, When the baby is born, I could stop at dads. Well if he accepts me being pregnant
Debbie: it'll take time to get used to it but he'll be okay. Look how he is with Sarah and Jack, he's good with them. Dads going to love this grandchild as well, just like he loves you
Chloe: yeah thanks debs. Anyway I have a scan today, I'm going to ask dad to come. Jacob Will as well, I just hope they don't kill each other and they'll get on
Debbie: well if you need back up, you know where I am
Chloe: yeah (Sarah and Jack walk downstairs)
Sarah: what are you doing here? I thought you'd be at Jacob's
Chloe: yeah well me and your mum were watching a film and I fell asleep
Sarah: well are you coming to school today?
Chloe: I've got a scan
Sarah: aww can I come?
Debbie: I don't think so, you have school
Sarah: there not going to care if I have 1 day off
Debbie: Sarah your going
Sarah: Chloe, please
Chloe: not this time. I'll show you the scan photo after school
Sarah: but I can't wait that long
Chloe: try waiting 9 months (they laugh)
Debbie: right, come on then, school
Chloe: I'll take Jack to school if you like
Debbie: oh you don't have to
Chloe: I want to, I have to talk to dad anyway
Debbie: thanks Chlo
Chloe: right come on then jack, let's go ( I hold Jack's hand)
Sarah: bye mum
Debbie: bye kids, have a good day (Chloe, Sarah and Jack walk out)

Chloe has just dropped Jack off at school
Chloe walks to the garage and over to Cain
Cain: hey, what are you doing here?
Chloe: I came to see you
Cain: okay
Chloe: I just thought that I'd let you know that I have a scan today, I thought that it would be nice if you came along, Jacob will be there but I want you there, it is going to be your grandchild after all
Cain: erm, I don't know. It just depends if I can get someone to cover for me here
Chloe: well can't you just close it? This is more important
Cain: Chloe, we need the money, I can't just close
Ross: well I could cover for you (they turn to see Ross)
Chloe: see, there you go, Ross will cover (Cain doesn't say anything) If you don't want to come it's fine, I'll just ask mum. Dad, I am pregnant and you avoiding it isn't going to make it go away, this is your grandchild and it's happening, just face up to it (Chloe is about to walk away)
Cain: wait, Chlo (I turn round) I'll come
Chloe: great, I'll see you in an hour, meet me at the hospital (I walk away)

I walk into David's
David: hey, where have you been? Jacob's been going out of his mind worrying about you
Chloe: yeah, sorry. I was at debs, I fell asleep watching a film
David: it's fine
Chloe: so where is he then?
David: he's just upstairs. Jake (Jacob walks downstairs)
Jacob: Chloe, where have you been?
Chloe: at Debbie's, you don't mind do you?
Jacob: no of course not, your here now (Jacob kisses Chloe)
David: eh, enough of that thank you (they laugh) Chloe, I hope you don't mind but I said I would come along to the scan, meet my 1st grandchild
Chloe: yeah, it's fine. I invited my dad, I know he hates the idea but I want him there, it might change his mind and it would be better then mum embarrassing me
Jacob: yeah, it's fine. Just as long as he doesn't have another pop at me
Chloe: I'm sure he won't, you know what he's like, he's just protective, he needs time, that's all
David: well come on then, let's get going (they walk out)

Chloe, David and Jacob are at the hospital in the waiting room
Chloe: where's dad? What's taking him so long?
David: he's probably just stuck in traffic or something
Jacob: yeah
Chloe: or maybe he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby, he hates the fact that I'm pregnant
David: what? That's crazy, we've all seen how much your dad loves you
Chloe: but he's also stubborn and when he doesn't like something, he shows it and there's no talking to him. But I need my Dad
Jacob: Chloe, just don't worry, I'm sure he's just late, anyway you don't need him, you've got us (Jacob holds Chloe's hand)
Chloe: yeah
Midwife: Chloe Dingle
Chloe: yeah, that's me (they stand up)

They go into the hospital room
Chloe lies down on the bed
The midwife gets the scan ready
Cain walks in
Cain: Chloe, I thought I missed it
Chloe: dad, I'm so glad your here (Chloe holds Cain's hand)
Cain: I wouldn't miss this, this baby is my grandchild (Chloe Smiles at Cain)

The midwife puts the gel on Chloe's baby and the baby comes on screen
Midwife: here we go
David: wow
Jacob: yeah it's pretty cool
Chloe: yeah. Is the baby okay?
Midwife: the baby's perfect (Chloe looks at Cain)
Chloe: your not saying much
Cain: yeah, I'm just taking it all in
Chloe: you big softy (Chloe turns back to the screen) I can't believe that's my baby, it feels more real now
Jacob: can we have a photo?
Midwife: yeah of course I'll go get them (the midwife walks out)

There back from the hospital
They see Debbie and Charity
David: we'll leave you to it, come on Jake
Jacob: yeah, I'll see you later Chlo
Chloe: yeah (Jacob and David walk away)
Charity: so how did it go then?
Me: yeah the baby's perfect, healthy and so am I
Charity: that's really great
Debbie; yeah of course it is, come here (Debbie hugs me) I'm so excited to be an auntie and I'm so happy for you
Chloe: thanks Debs
Charity: and I suppose I'm excited to be a Gran again
Chloe: wow, don't sound too enthusiastic Will you? (They laugh)
Cain: shell we go to the pub?
Chloe: yeah (they start walking to the pub) you should have seen Dad when he saw the baby, he got all emotional
Cain: I Didn't, I had something in my eye
Me: yeah, of course you did
Debbie: well dad's just a big softy aren't you Dad?
Charity: you better watch it, you'll ruin your reputation
Cain: shut up (they laugh and they walk to the pub)

I hope you've liked this chapter :-)

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