Chapter 9 hanging out with jacob

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Hope you enjoy this chapter

Chloe is waking and Jacob walks over to her
Jacob: how are you feeling after everything?
Chloe: I feel okay, I feel like I'm getting my life back on track, a fresh start
Jacob: that's good. Do you wanna hang out then?
Chloe: I will after I get back from the hospital with dad
Jacob: why are you going to the hospital?
Chloe: I'm getting my cast off
Jacob: good, I thought it was something serious for a second then
Chloe: you don't have to worry Jacob, I can look after myself and it's all getting better so it's all going to be okay
Jacob: well I'll see you later then
Chloe: yeah bye Jacob (Chloe hugs Jacob and she walks away)

Chloe has just got her cast taken off and Chloe and Cain walk in the woolpack
Chas: here she is, my favourite niece (chas walks over to Chloe and puts her arm around her)
Chloe: what are you after?
Chas: nothing you cheeky mare
Marlon: something looks different about you
Chloe: I wonder what that could be
Marlon: ooo I wonder. I got it you've got a new coat (everyone laughs)
Chloe: no this is so last year
Marlon: you've got your ear pierce
Chloe: I've had them done for years
Marlon: okay I give up. Hang on you've got your cast off
Chloe: yay he finally got it
Marlon: I'm only joking (Marlon hugs Chloe)
Chloe: it's still sore but it's getting better
Chas: great stuff how about a gin and tonic to celebrate?
Cain: yeah in her dreams maybe (they laugh)
Chloe: ha very funny, nah I'll just have a pint please (Chloe looks at Cain because he looks serious) I'm only joking (they all laugh) I'll just have a lemonade please chas or half a pint (Chloe smirks at Cain)

Chloe is sat at the bar with Cain and her family
Chloe: I better go
Cain: go where?
Chloe: I said I would meet Jacob when I get back from the hospital
Chas: ooh Jacob (everyone laughs)
Chloe: we're just friends
Chas: yeah that's what they all say
Chloe: because it's true anyway I'm back at school tomorrow
Cain: are you sure your ready?
Chloe: yeah well my arms better now
Cain: yeah but your ribs
Chloe: look the doctors shown me some breathing exercises and they gave me pain killers for it, dad I'm fine
Cain: fine whatever you want
Chloe: see you in a bit (Chloe stands up)
chas: bye have fun (Chloe walks out)

Chloe meets up with Jacob
Jacob: hey how was the hospital?
Chloe: it was good thanks, it's feel weird to finally be back to normal again
Jacob: do you want to go to this party next week?
Chloe: sure what party?
Jacob: this girl Jessica from our year, she's having a massive party and no adults will be there and there's free booze
Chloe: Jacob Gallagher, your so naughty (Chloe and Jacob laugh) yeah I'll be up for that, just text me nearer the time, you know what I'm like, I'll only forget (they laugh)
Jacob: want to go to the shops?
Chloe: come on then (Chloe and Jacob walk to the shop)

Chloe walks into Moira's and Cain and Moira are sat at the table
Cain: hey there's chippy here if you want it?
Chloe: nah I'm alright, I had something at Jacobs
Cain: ready for school tomorrow?
Chloe: as I'll ever be, I don't want to go back but it's what I have to do, to get my life back to normal (Cain stands up and hugs Chloe)
Cain: I'm so proud of you
Chloe: thanks dad. Well I'm going to get ready for bed, night
Moira: night (Chloe walks away and goes into her bedroom)

I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry I haven't been updating ❤️

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