Chapter 22 a shock

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Thank you all so much for the support on this story. I hope your enjoying it 😊
It's been 2 weeks since Chloe has spent the night with Jacob
Chloe has woken up feeling rough and sick
It's the 1st day back at school, Chloe is going into year 10

Chloe walks into the kitchen ready for school
She sits at the table
Charity: what's up with you?
Chloe: I just don't feel very well
Charity: come to mention it, you do look a bit pale
Chas: why don't you try having some breakfast?
Chloe: no, I'm not that hungry
Chas: well you need to eat something
Charity: she's right you know?
Chas: I always am (Chas laughs and she places a cooked breakfast in front of Chloe)
Chloe: I'm going to be sick (Chloe rushes out)
Charity: I'll go, she'll be fine (charity walks out)

Chloe is in her room
Charity walks in
Charity: are you feeling any better?
Chloe: no, not really
Charity: maybe it's a little bug. You don't have to go to school today if your Ill. I'm popping out for a bit, are you going to be okay?
Chloe: yeah, mum I'm 14, I can look after myself
Charity: alright, well I'll see you in a bit then. Call me or your dad if you need anything
Chloe: I will (charity walks out)

Chloe is out and she's walking
Liv walks up to Chloe
Liv: hey, why aren't you at school?
Chloe: I'm sick. Now I could ask you the same question
Liv: decided to bunk off, school really isn't for me (Liv laughs) what's wrong Chloe?
Chloe: nothing
Liv: well usually your well up for a laugh
Chloe: yeah, I'm not very well, that's all
Liv: shouldn't you be at home then?
Chloe: I just needed some fresh air. Liv can I talk to you?
Liv: yeah, of course. What's going on? (they sit down on a bench)
Chloe: I don't really know how to even say this
Liv: try talking perhaps
Chloe: this isn't really a joke
Liv: you sound serious
Chloe: because this is serious
Liv: Chloe? Your scaring me now
Chloe: I've been feeling rubbish for a few days, I keep constantly throwing up, I can't even look at food. I think... I think, I might be
Liv: Chloe?
Chloe: I might be pregnant
Liv: what? You don't know for sure though? Have you done a test?
Chloe: no, I'm too scared (Chloe starts crying) I'm 14, what am I going to do Liv?
Liv: eh, come here (Liv hugs Chloe) everything's going to be alright

Liv and Chloe are talking
Liv: so, have you spoken to your mum?
Chloe: no, she'll go mad and she'll tell my dad and he'll kill Jacob. I mean, how can I talk to them? We haven't really been getting on at the minute, there always on my back and this is going to make everything worst
Liv: maybe, you should try talking to Debbie, well she's different isn't she? She's your sister
Chloe: no, I can't tell nobody Liv, I can't, it's not happening
Liv: there going to find out sooner or later. You can't pretend that this isn't happening. What are you going to do when you start showing? everyone is going to notice that you have a Bump
Chloe: who Saids I'm keeping it? I'm 14, I don't want to be a mum
Liv: you need support
Chloe: I'm fine
Liv: this is such a big deal Chlo, I'll try and help you, of course I will but you need your family to help you get through this. Talk to Debbie, listen to what she has to say first.
Chloe: okay
Liv: promise me, that you'll talk to Debbie about it?
Chloe: yeah, I promise
Liv: good, well I'll walk you over to her's now then
Chloe: What? Now?
Liv: well now's a better time then any, come on. It'll be okay, I promise
Chloe: okay (Chloe and Liv make there way to Debbie's)

Liv and Chloe knock on Debbie's door
Ross answers the door
Liv: is Debbie in?
Ross: yep. Debs (Debbie comes to the door)
Debbie: hey, what are you doing here? Chlo? You look really upset, have you been crying?
Liv: she needs to talk to you about something. I'll leave you to it. Chlo, you'll be okay (Liv smiles at Chloe and she walks away)
Debbie: come in
Ross: I'll see you later, I'm late for work (ross walks away and Chloe and Debbie sit on the sofa)
Debbie: so, what's going on then?
Chloe: I've done something really stupid
Debbie: well, what have you done? (Chloe starts crying) it can't be that bad can it?
Chloe: yep, you'll all hate me
Debbie: whatever you do Chlo, we could never hate you, you should know that
Chloe: it's different this time
Debbie: how? Chlo, talk to me, please, I want to help
Chloe: okay and this stays between me and you yeah? You won't tell mum or dad?
Debbie: yeah, course
Chloe: okay, well, I think, I.. I.. I might be pregnant
Debbie: what?
Chloe: please don't hate me, I'm sorry, this was never meant to happen, I'm so sorry
Debbie: oh Chlo, come here (Debbie hugs Chloe) ssh, it's okay

Debbie and Chloe are talking. Debbie has got Chloe a pregnancy test
Chloe has taken it
Chloe: what do I do if it's positive?
Debbie: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but eh (Debbie squeezes Chloe's hand) we'll deal it with together
Chloe: yeah?
Debbie: yeah, Chloe your my little sister, I'll do anything to protect you, anything. Chlo, it's time
Chloe: I don't think I can look at it, can you do it?
Debbie: okay (Debbie turns it over and it's positive)
Chloe: it's positive isn't it? (Debbie Nods and Chloe cries) what am I going to do? Mum and dad will go mad
Debbie: maybe at first but they'll get used to it
Chloe: I'm not keeping it, no way
Debbie: Chloe, just calm down, you've had a shock. You need to process it before you make any big decisions
Chloe: I'm so stupid
Debbie: come here (Debbie hugs Chloe)

Debbie has taken Chloe home
Charity and chas are sat at the table
Charity: where have you been? Your meant to be Ill, I've been going out of my mind
Debbie: yeah, well she's home now isn't she?
Charity: okay, what's going on?
Chas: I'm going to give you guys a minute (Chas walks out)
Charity: will one of you tell me what's going on please?
Debbie: you might want to sit down for this
Charity: why? What's happened?
Chloe: mum, I have something to tell you (Chloe Looks at Debbie)
Debbie: do you want me to tell her? (Chloe nods) mum, The reason why Chloe hasn't been feeling well, is because she's pregnant
Charity: what?
Chloe: I'm sorry mum (charity is shocked)

I hope you like this chapter
What will Chloe do? Stayed turned and find out :-)

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