Chapter 20 in trouble

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Chloe has spent the night with Jacob at the cricket pavilion
Chloe wakes up and checks the time
Chloe: Jacob (Chloe shakes Jacob)
Jacob: what is it?
Chloe: we fell asleep. My mum's going to kill me and so is my dad. They think I'm with gabby
Jacob: say you fell asleep at Gabby's (Chloe gets ready to leave)
Chloe: I really have to go. What are you going to tell your dad?
Jacob: that I stayed at a mates, playing Xbox and then we fell asleep
Chloe: okay, well I'll see you later
Jacob: bye (Chloe kisses Jacob and she walks back out)

Chloe is home
Chloe is about to go upstairs
Charity: and where have you been? (Chloe turns around to see, chas, Debbie, charity and Cain at the table)
Chloe: I was at gabby's, I fell asleep
Charity: I told you to be home by 11, not do an all nighter
Chloe: I know, sorry
Cain: what aren't you telling us?
Chloe: what?
Cain: it's obvious when your hiding something
Chloe: I'm not
Cain: your our daughter, we know when your lying
Chas: you might as well just tell them. Whatever your hiding will soon come out
Debbie: yeah. Take it from me
Chloe: you cheating on your boyfriend with his brother, isn't exactly the same thing
Debbie: it still came out though
Charity: this isn't about any of us, this is about you (Chloe rolls her eyes) what's going on with you lately?
Chloe: nothing, I just want a bit of fun, is that to much to ask? After everything that's happened recently, don't I deserve a bit of fun?
Cain: were not saying that
Chloe: then what are you saying? You know what? I'm sick of all you lot, your hypocrites, all of you. I fell asleep last night and I didn't mean to, I do 1 bad thing and you treat me like this
Charity: Chloe
Chloe: no, just leave me alone (Chloe goes upstairs)

Chloe is walking
Liv walks up to her
Liv: so how was Jacob's surprise last night then?
Chloe: yeah, it was good. You haven't said anything to anyone have you? Especially our family
Liv: no, of course not. So what happened then?
Chloe: come on, we'll go over here (Chloe and Liv sit on the bench)
Liv: so, what's so secret?
Chloe: if I tell you something, you have to swear not to say anything, not to my parents or my sister or anyone else for that matter
Liv: okay, go on
Chloe: me and Jacob, we slept together
Liv: what? No way
Chloe: yeah
Liv: how was it?
Chloe: yeah, it was good. Me and Jacob are just very happy
Liv: are you going to tell your parents?
Chloe: no, they would kill me, they'll bang on about how I'm only 14
Liv: what about Debbie then?
Chloe: she'll just tell mum and dad won't she? This has to be just our secret
Liv: yeah, of course, you can count on me to keep your secret safe
Chloe: thanks Liv (Chloe smiles at Liv)

Jacob walks up to Chloe
Jacob: did your parents go mad about you staying out all night?
Chloe: yeah, but I went mad at them all, it was like a tag team, my parents, my sister, oh and my auntie
Jacob: that's tough. You didn't say anything did you?
Chloe: as if. Would I really be allowed out if i did say anything?
Jacob: fair point. Do you want to go to the cafe? I'm starving
Chloe: yeah, I wouldn't turn down food, me (they laugh and they go to the cafe)

Chloe and Jacob are sat in the cafe
Jacob: so, no regrets about last night then?
Chloe: no, no regrets (they smile at each other) after everything, I just really needed to spend some time with you (Jacob smiles at Chloe and charity walks in) oh, here we go
Charity: you, home now
Chloe: I have a name
Charity: you didn't tell us you were going out
Chloe: it's none of your business is it?
Charity; I'm your mum and your grounded
Chloe: you can't do that
Charity: oh, I can, home now
Chloe: mum, your embarrassing me
Charity: I'll embarrass you a lot more, trust me. Now home (Chloe stands up)
Chloe: I'll see you later Jacob
Charity: yeah, I wouldn't count on that
Chloe: your so annoying (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is sat on the sofa with Noah at the woolpack
Noah: are you okay?
Chloe: just really annoyed with mum
Noah: well just ignore what she Saids, she's just pretending to be the worlds best mum, when has she ever cared about us?
Chloe: yeah, exactly (charity walks in)
Charity: Noah, give us a minute, I want to talk to your sister
Chloe: no, Noah can stay
Charity: well I want to talk to you (Noah walks out and charity sits next to Chloe)
Chloe: if your just going to give me another lecture, then just forget it
Charity: I'm only doing this because I care about you. I didn't know where you were last night, I was going out of my mind. I thought something happened to you, your my baby girl, I wouldn't know what I would do if something happened to you
Chloe: I guess that's fair. I'm sorry if I made you worry, I never meant to, I was meant to come home but then I just fell asleep
Charity: I know, I believe you
Chloe: you do?
Charity: yeah, of course. I trust you Chloe
Chloe: thanks. I won't let anything like this happen again
Charity: good, now come here Chlo (charity hugs Chloe and kisses her head) I love you
Chloe: Love you too mum

Chloe is In her room talking to Jacob on the phone
Jacob: so you and your mum made up then?
Chloe: yeah, she Saids she believes me about me just falling asleep. I kinda feel bad for lying to her
Jacob: you still don't regret it do you?
Chloe: no, of course I don't, no regrets remember? Your literally the best thing that's ever happened to me
Jacob: I feel the same way (Chloe carries on talking to Jacob and Noah is listening at the door)

What will happen next? Stay tuned :-)

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