Chapter 12 fights and dates

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Chloe is walking in the school's corridor
Jacob walks over to Chloe
Jacob: hi
Chloe: hey, you alright?
Jacob: yeah, you?
Chloe: yeah I'm good thanks. Haven't saw poppy and her ugly mug today so things are great
Jacob; I wanted to ask you a question
Chloe: like what?
Jacob: erm....
Chloe: Jacob?
Jacob: do you want to go out sometime?
Chloe: sure

Chloe gets off the bus with Jacob, Liv and gabby and they see poppy and her gang
Chloe: didn't you get the message?
Poppy: yeah I heard you
Chloe: then what you doing here then?
Poppy: you need sorting out Chloe (liv pushes poppy)
Liv: just leave it
poppy: why should I? Shes swans around school acting all hard but she's nothing
Liv: don't you mean, that's what you do?
Poppy: she acts the victim all the time, it was her own fault she got involved with that guy, she shouldn't of gone near him but no, Chloe being Chloe just jumps into bed with a random guy just to wind up her dad. What sort of person does that?
Chloe: I never slept with him
Poppy: no but you wanted to though didn't you? You know what that makes you don't you? A slapper (Chloe gets closer to poppy)
Gabby: Chloe don't
poppy: go on, listen to your so called friends, tart (Chloe slaps poppy and they get into a fight)
Jacob: Chloe, calm down (Cain, charity and Moira run over)
Cain: oi (Cain grabs poppy and Chloe falls to the ground and she's in pain) get home now
Poppy: whatever (poppy turns to Chloe) I'll see you around yeah? Come on girls (poppy and her gang walks away)
Charity: we'll get you done for assault (the gang scoff at her and carry on walking)
Gabby: poppy are you alright?
Cain: Chlo
Chloe: it's just my rib's, I'm fine (Cain helps Chloe up)
Cain: let's get you checked out, come on
Chloe; no, I'm alright
Moira: Chloe, you really should get checked out
Chloe: i told you, I'm fine
Charity: what was you thinking? Getting into a fight like that
Chloe: she was winding me up weren't she? What was I supposed to do? Let her say all of that stuff?
Cain: Chloe, you still need to take it easy, after your accident
Chloe: will everyone stop going on about it? It's all you ever talk about, I can never forget it can I? I always get reminded every 5 seconds (Chloe walks away)
Cain: Chlo (Chloe ignores him)

Chloe is at Moira's on the sofa
Cain walks in
Cain: I'm sorry
Chloe: no, it's okay. None of this is your fault, I should of never let her wind me up (Cain sits next to Chloe)
Cain: talk to me
Chloe: ever since my accident, everyone at school knows about what happened. They won't leave me alone, their always there, winding me up.
Cain: then ignore them, tell the teacher
Chloe: what? And get labelled as a grass? No thanks. I'm a dingle, remember? I can handle it
Cain: you shouldn't have to
Chloe: it's what we do. Today was just one day, where I let it get to me. It won't happen again, I promise
Cain: good, now do you want to get your ribs checked out? (Chloe shakes my head)
Chloe: no, I'm fine, honestly
Cain: well how about we get a takeaway then?
Chloe: can't sorry
Cain: and why not?
Chloe: because I'm going out with Jacob
Cain: Jacob eh? (Chloe playfully pushes Cain and they laugh)
Chloe: shut up, don't be so immature

Chloe is walking to meet Jacob, she has make up on and she's dressed nicely

Chloe see's DebbieDebbie: where are you going dressed like that?Chloe: I'm meeting JacobDebbie: oooo, JacobChloe: he's just a mateDebbie: of course he is, that's why your dressed as if it's a dateChloe: what? Is it a bit much?Debbie: no you look b...

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Chloe see's Debbie
Debbie: where are you going dressed like that?
Chloe: I'm meeting Jacob
Debbie: oooo, Jacob
Chloe: he's just a mate
Debbie: of course he is, that's why your dressed as if it's a date
Chloe: what? Is it a bit much?
Debbie: no you look beautiful babes, now go show Jacob (Chloe is about to walk off) and Chlo (Chloe turns back round) I want all of the gossip (Chloe laughs and walks away)

Chloe walks into David's shop
David: you here for Jacob?
Chloe: yep, is he in?
David: yeah (David shouts) Jake (Tracy and Leyla walk over)
Tracy: wow, where are you off to?
Chloe: cinema with Jacob
Leyla: a date?
Chloe: no, we're friends
Tracy: you can't fool us (Jacob walks over)
Jacob: you better not have embarrassed me (Jacob walks over to Chloe) you ready?
Chloe: yeah?
Jacob: you look like an actual girl for once
Chloe: oi (Chloe playfully hits Jacob on the arm and they laugh) shell we get going then? We'll miss the film at this rate
Jacob: yeah, see you
David: see you later, be good (Jacob and Chloe walk out)

Chloe and Jacob are watching the film
Jacob puts his arm around Chloe and Chloe puts his head on his shoulder

Chloe and Jacob have just come out of the cinema
Jacob: how good was that?
Chloe: yeah it was a good movie
Jacob: I'm glad that we went, I had a great time
Chloe: so did i, thanks Jacob, for inviting me and all that
Jacob: no problem (Jacob kisses Chloe's cheek and they smile at each other and they lean in and they kiss)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :-) comment any suggestions

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