Chapter 26 telling Jacob

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Chloe is sat at the table with Sarah and Jack
Sarah: so why are you here then?
Debbie: Sarah
Sarah; what? It's not like I don't want her here, I'm just interested
Chloe: Debbie, it's fine
Sarah: so, are you going to tell me then or do I have to guess?
Chloe: well your going to find out sooner or later
Sarah: find out what?
Debbie: alright Sarah, let her talk
Sarah: fine, so come on then, what's going on?
Chloe: I'm pregnant
Sarah: what? Are you serious?
Chloe: yep
Sarah: this is the best news, so the baby's going to be my cousin?
Debbie: yeah
Sarah: this is great (Sarah hugs Chloe)
Chloe: the baby is so lucky to have you two as cousins
Debbie: right, come on then you two, go and finish getting ready for school
Sarah: okay, come on Jack (Sarah walks away with Jack)
Debbie: so what's the plan for today then?
Chloe: I'm going to speak to Jacob, well when he's finished school, before that, I'm going to see dad, maybe give Harriet a chance, I'm done with being angry
Debbie: good idea. He'll love that
Chloe: I'm going to finish off getting ready (Chloe goes upstairs)

Chloe is at Cain's with Harriet
Harriet: this is a surprise, we wasn't expecting you
Chloe: yeah well, I'm done with being angry, I'm sorry for how badly I've treated you
Harriet: it's okay. I understand, me and your dad together was a shock. I never meant to come between you and your dad
Chloe: I know but it's fine, we're back on track (cain walks in)
Cain: what are you two talking about? Should I be worried?
Chloe: no, I was being nice actually
Cain: really?
Harriet: yeah, we've made up haven't we?
Chloe: yeah
Cain: good (Cain sits down) so how are you after yesterday then?
Chloe: I'm fine, a bit tired, but fine. I'm going back to school tomorrow
Cain: isn't that a bit soon?
Chloe: no, I just want to be with my friends
Cain: well, whatever makes you happy
Me: thanks dad, for everything, I don't know what I would do without your support
Cain: well your my daughter, of course I'm going to be here for you. You may have your mothers looks but your definitely my daughter alright
Chloe: 100% (they laugh)

Chloe is walking with gabby, Leanna and Liv after they've finished school
Leanna: so why aren't you at school then?
Gabby: yeah, you normally just come to have a laugh and mess around
Chloe: Well, I won't be doing that anymore
Leanna: what are you going on about?
Chloe: only Liv knows because I had to tell somebody. I want you guys to keep it quiet for now though
Gabby: yeah, okay, what's going on? (Chloe looks at Liv)
Liv: tell them
Chloe: I'm pregnant
Leanna: you are joking?
Chloe: no
Gabby: what, and your keeping it?
Chloe: yep, I wasn't going to, I went to an abortion clinic yesterday but I couldn't go through with it. I don't want to turn out like my mum
Liv: I think you've made the right choice
Gabby: yeah and we'll support you
Leanna: who's the dad?
Chloe: Jacob
Leanna: what?
Gabby: i know me and Leanna both like him, but If he makes you happy
Liv: I can't believe 1 guy is getting this much attention, can his head get any bigger? (They laugh and they see Jacob)
Leanna: talking about him
Chloe: can you guys just give us a minute? I need to talk to him
Gabby: yeah, sure, come on
Liv: text you later Chlo (they walk away and Chloe goes over to Jacob)
Jacob: hey. Sorry I didn't text you, I thought you would want space
Chloe: Jacob, it's fine
Jacob: so, how are you feeling after the abortion?
Chloe: that's what I wanted to talk to you about
Jacob: yeah?
Chloe: yeah. I couldn't get rid of the baby
Jacob: what?
Chloe: I'm sorry If you don't want to be a dad. Nobody knows that it's yours and I'll keep it that way. I don't want my dad to go mad at you
Jacob: i don't know, I need time to think. I want to support you, I do, it's just a lot to get my head around
Chloe: well we've got 9 months, take all the time that you need
Jacob: I'll see you later then?
Chloe: yeah, course (Jacob walks away)

Chloe is at Debbie's, sat on the sofa thinking about Jacob
Debbie walks in
Debbie: what's up with you?
Chloe. Nothing, I'm just thinking
Debbie: about?
Chloe: Jacob. He knows that I'm keeping the baby (Debbie sits next to Chloe)
Debbie: and what did he say?
Chloe: he was in shock more then anything. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore?
Debbie: then he's a idiot and he's not worth it, Chloe you and this baby will be fine, no matter what, you will
Chloe: but what if I'm a bad mum?
Debbie: that's not going to happen. Stop stressing about it Chlo, your going to be an amazing mum
Chloe: how can you be so sure?
Debbie: because your kind and you have a big heart
Chloe: but a temper like dad
Debbie: that just means that you'll do anything for the people that you love, that already makes you a good mum. Your a dingle Chloe, you'll be alright
Chloe: thanks Debs, I don't know what I would do without you
Debbie: well your my little sister, I'll always look after you (Chloe hugs Debbie)
Chloe: I love you
Debbie: Love you too, so much (Debbie kisses Chloe's cheek)

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