chapter 5 going home

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Cain walks in Chloe's room to find Chloe dressed
Cain: so you ready to go home then?
Chloe: yep
Cain: come on then (Cain puts his arm around Chloe)
Me: be carful of my arm
(Chloe and Cain get in the car and go home)

Cain and Chloe walk in moira house
Moira: hey you. the cast on your arm suits you (Chloe laughs)
Chloe: thank you
Cain: you sit on the sofa with your blanket and I'll get you something to eat (Cain takes Chloe's coat)
Chloe: thanks but you don't have to fuss over me
Cain: well your my daughter and I'm not letting nothing else happen to you
Me: thanks (Chloe lies on the sofa with her blanket)

Cain walks in with Jacob David leyla and Carly
David: hey
Me: hi
David: how are you doing?
Me: yeah I'm good thanks just a few broken ribs and a broken arm but I'm okay
Jacob: I got you these (Jacob hands Chloe flowers)
Chloe: aww Jacob, that's really sweet thanks
Jacob: well your my best friend
Chloe: thank you but seriously you guys didn't need to make this much fuss but thank you. anyway do you want to go out later?
Cain: no your not fit enough to go anywhere
Chloe: dad I'm fine
Cain: Chloe you've just got out of hospital you need to take it easy
leyla: he's right
Chloe: can't we just go to the Woolpack then?
Cain: alright but not for long
Chloe: great I'll just go get ready (Chloe stands up)
Carly: do you need help?
Me: nope
Carly: but your arm
Chloe: Carly, I can handle it thanks (Chloe goes upstairs and goes and gets ready)

They all walk in the Woolpack
Chas: Chloe, you okay?
Chloe: I'm fine thanks auntie chas
Gabby: can I join please?
Chloe: sure (gabby joins me liv and Jacob at the table and the adults go to the bar)
Liv: have you spoken to the police yet Chloe?
Chloe: no not yet
Gabby: well, were here for you
Jacob: yeah anything you need then were here
Chloe: thanks guys (charity walks over to them)
Charity: Chloe how are things?
Chloe: there fine thanks (charity walks away)
Jacob: things still not good between you two?
Chloe: nope but I'll make it up with her
Gabby: I'm glad
Me: thanks (we carry on Chatting and having fun)

Cain walks over to the table
Cain: right so you ready to go home then?
Chloe: yep (Chloe stands up) see you later guys (gabby hugs Chloe)
gabby: bye (liv hugs Chloe)
Liv: call me or text me when you get home
Me: I will do (Jacob kisses Chloe's cheek)
Jacob: yeah bye (Chloe and Jacob smile at each other then Moira, Chloe and Cain walk out)
Cain: what's going on with you and Jacob?
Chloe: nothing
Cain: I felt something between you two
Chloe: dad it was only a kiss on the cheek anyway Jacob is just a friend
Cain: yeah keep telling yourself that
Moira: oh Cain you really don't know anything about girls
Chloe: thanks Moira (they laugh and they go home)

They walk to their house to see the police there
Cain: what do you want?
Police: can we come in? it's about what happened to your daughter
Cain: it's not up to me (they look at Chloe) Chloe?
Chloe: yeah sure (Chloe sits on the sofa and the police sit opposite her)
Police: so can you tell me what happened?
Chloe: I was just walking when Michael dragged me into a alley way and he wanted to kiss me and all that and I didn't want to so he got angry and pinned me against the wall then I started fighting back and he started kicking me and he wouldn't stop next thing I knew I was in hospital
Police: has he hassled you before?
Me: yeah he wanted to sleep with me but I wouldn't let him
police: right that'll be all for now
Cain: I'll show you out (the police walk out and Cain sits down next to Chloe) you should of told me sooner I could of helped
Chloe: sorry (Cain hugs Chloe)
Cain: it's okay it's not your fault (Cain kisses Chloe's head)
Chloe: I'm just going to go to bed now night dad, night Moira
Moira and Cain: night (Chloe walks upstairs and goes to bed)

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