Chapter 4 hurt

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Chloe walks in the kitchen with her uniform on
Cain: your going to school?
Chloe: yeah. why wouldn't I go?
Cain: because last night you were really upset
Chloe: I don't want to talk about it
Cain: you don't have to go school today if you don't want too
Chloe: okay I won't (Chloe Walks out)

Chloe walks into the kitchen
Chloe. dad I'm going out
Cain: where?
Chloe: to see Carly and them lot
Cain: why?
Chloe: because there my friends
Cain: Okay well I'll drop you off
Chloe: thanks dad

Cain drops off Chloe and Cain goes up to Carly, David and leyla before Chloe does
Cain: just letting you know, Chloe was really upset last night
Leyla: what happened?
Cain: I don't know she didn't say but can you keep an eye on her?
David: yeah of course we will (Chloe comes over)
Chloe: hey
Cain: right I'm going
Chloe: bye dad (Cain kisses Chloe's head)
Cain: bye be good (Cain walks out)
Carly: so what have you been up to?
Chloe: let me guess, my dad asked you to keep an eye on me
Carly: he just cares about you
Chloe: I know. I'm gonna go see you later
David: bye (Chloe walks out) do you think she's okay?
Leyla: yeah she will be fine, she's a dingle

Chloe walks past Michael and Michael comes out this ally
Michael: oi
Chloe: what do you want?
Michael: just wanted to say hi
Chloe: no you didn't. Just leave me alone (Michael grabs Chloe and pins her against the wall in the ally) get of me
Michael: you will do exactly what I want
Chloe: no I won't
Michael: yes you will
Chloe: or what? (Michael starts kicking Chloe) get of. Your hurting me. (Michael knocks Chloe onto the floor and keeps kicking her and punching her until she's unconscious and then Michael runs away)

Carly and leyla are walking when they come across Chloe lying on the floor
Carly: Chloe. Call an ambulance
Leyla: I haven't got my phone on me
Carly: then get help (leyla runs to get help) it's alright Chloe. Your going to be alright

Leyla runs in David shop
Leyla: help. its Chloe
David: what's wrong with her?
Leyla: she's badly hurt (leyla and David runs out to Carly and Chloe and David calls an ambulance)
David: their on there way. How did this even happen?
Carly: i don't know, we just found her like this
(the ambulance comes and puts Chloe on a trolly and Cain and moira run to her)
Cain: Chloe. I'm going to go with her
moira: yeah you go I'll follow you up (Cain gets in the ambulance with Chloe)

At the hospital there all there
Cain: you were supposed to keep an eye on her
Carly: I know but she wanted to leave (the doctor walks out of Chloe's hospital room)
Cain: how is she?
Doctor: she's stable, she's not awake at the minute but you can still see her and speak to her, she can hear you
Cain: thank you. (Moira and Cain walk in Chloe's hospital room and Cain sits down at Chloe's bedside) Chlo, it's me, dad. Listen you need to wake up because I need you and I can't lose you (Cain has tears rolling down his cheeks) please Chloe. Everyone loves you and they need you, I love you so much (Chloe flickers her eyes open) Chloe? (Chloe opens her eyes)
Chloe: what happened?
Cain: it's alright, your in hospital (Cain hugs Chloe) I was so worried about you
Chloe: sorry
Cain: no it's not your fault. The police are outside, they want to know what happened
Chloe: I don't want to see them
Cain: Chloe
Chloe: I said I don't want to see them
Cain: okay I'll just go tell them (Moira and Cain walk out Chloe hospital room) she's not up to talking to the cops
Police: well we will see her later then (the police walk away)
David: how is she?
Cain: she's woken up but she's refusing to speak to the police
Leyla: can we see her?
Cain: yeah go on then (they all walk in Chloe's hospital room to find Chloe asleep)
Carly: she looks so cute when she sleeps, you must be proud to have her as your daughter
Cain: well I am (Chloe wakes up)
Moira: hey you
Chloe: hi
David: how are you feeling?
Chloe: better thanks. Did the doctor say anymore about when I can go home?
Cain: no not yet, sorry (the doctor comes in)
Doctor: I've got your results. You've got a broken arm but we will put you in a cast also you have a few broken ribs and you have bruises and cuts, your a very lucky girl but it will be sore for a few days but we will give you something for that
Chloe: and when can i go home?
Doctor: tomorrow you should be able to
Chloe: that soon?
Doctor: well it's not too serious
Cain: thanks Doctor (the doctor walks out) your mum will be here soon
Chloe: well why isn't she here now then?
Cain: maybe she's busy
Chloe: yeah alright then
Cain: don't be sarcastic, you get that of your mother

Charity rushes into Chloe's hospital room
Charity: Chloe
David: we will leave you too it (David leyla Carly and moira walks out)
Cain: what kept you?
Charity: I was busy at work
Cain: oh yeah cause work is so important when our daughter is lying in hospital
Charity: I got here as fast as I could
Cain: well not fast enough
Charity: well excuse me, aren't you just perfect?
Cain: well at Least I'm there for our daughter
charity: how dare you
Chloe: stop it
Charity: what?
Chloe: I have had enough of you 2 always arguing if your going to argue, you might as well not be in here
Cain: right sorry
Charity: I just came to see how you were
Chloe: and you have
Charity: please don't be angry at me
Chloe: well your the one who hasn't even bothered about me, all you care about is Noah, Moses and yourself
charity: that's not true
Chloe: isn't it?
Charity: no Chloe you know that's not true
Cain: why don't you just do us all a favour and get lost
Charity: no I will go if Chloe wants me to go (Cain and charity both look at Chloe)
Chloe: mum, I think you should go
Charity: right (charity Walks out and Chloe has tears down her Cheeks)
Cain: it's okay Chlo, don't worry about it
Chloe: why did you have to be that horrible to her?
Cain: what?
Chloe: now you made me choose between you and her again
Cain: Chloe I'm sorry
Chloe: just leave me alone, I want to be on my own
Cain: you sure?
Chloe: I'm sure
Cain: I'm outside if you need anything (Cain walks out) she's upset about her mum and she wants to be on her own
Moira: she'll be alright
Cain: yeah it's getting late, we should just go home. I'll just say bye to Chloe (Cain walks in Chloe's room) were all gonna go now if that's okay I can stay if you want
Chloe: no you go home
Cain: right well I'll see you tomorrow then (Cain kisses Chloe's head then smiles at her and leaves)

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