Chapter 7 in court

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So this chapter is Chloe in court I hope you enjoy :-) btw this chapter Is really long because I didn't know how much detail I should have put in the court scene, sorry guys
And btw Chloe is played by Chloe lukasiak :-) (her pictures above)

Chloe walks into the kitchen
Cain: hey I've made you some toast
Chloe: thanks (Chloe sits down and she notices that Cain and Moira are watching her) I'm not gonna break you know?
Cain: what?
Chloe: look at you both oo she's gonna crack any minute
Moira: no we were just seeing if your okay that's all
Chloe; I'm fine honestly anyway I better get ready
Cain: but you've barely touched any of your breakfast
Chloe: I'm not that hungry to be honest
Moira: you can't go to court on a empty stomach
Chloe: I'm fine I don't need anything, I have to get ready (Chloe stands up and She walks out)
Cain: I'm really worried about her
Moira: she's fine she's a lot stronger then she looks you know
Cain: I know it's just a big day for her im not surprised if she isn't okay
Moira: I know but you just have to give her time (Chloe walks out ready to go to court)
cain: you all ready?
Chloe: yeah I have to go court with my arm in a cast
Moira: it'll heal you look fine
Chloe: thanks can we stop in the Woolpack please?
Cain: what for?
Chloe: I just want to see my mum if that's okay
Cain: yeah it's fine shell we get going then?
Chloe: yeah (Cain and Moira stand up and Cain puts his arm around Chloe and they walk out)

they get out the car outside the woolpack and they walk into the woolpack to see charity and chas behind the bar and see David Leyla Carly Tracy gabby liv and Jacob
Cain: Chloe wanted to pop in (Jacob walks over to Chloe)
Jacob: hey (jacob hugs Chloe)
Chloe: hi
David: we thought we would all come and support you
Chloe: I really don't need a fuss made over me
Leyla: yeah you do, we want that scumbag to be punished
Chloe: thank you (Chloe hugs all her friends)
Charity: look Chlo there's no one to watch the bar so I.... I can't....
Chloe: you can't come it's fine I understand work comes first (Chloe looks at Cain) can we go now?
Cain: yeah go and get in the car (Cain hands Chloe the keys)
Chloe: thanks
Cain: Jacob, liv, gabby why don't you go with her?
Gabby: sure, come on (gabby, Liv, Chloe and Jacob walk out and everyone looks at charity)
Cain: what the hell are you playing at?
Charity: what?
Cain: can't you see that Chloe needs you right now
Charity: well Chas is going with her
Chas: don't put this on me
Cain: close up or something is that to hard to ask?
charity: yes we need money Cain
Cain: you are unbelievable (they start arguing and Chloe liv, Jacob and gabby walk in and Carly walks over to Chloe and puts her arm around her)
charity: you think your the perfect dad don't you?
Cain: at least I'm there for her that's more that can be said for you
Charity: don't you dare start
Cain: Chloe deserves better then us two as parents
charity: why don't you go drown your sorrows in pity?
Cain: do you want a slap?
Charity: why don't you do us all a favour and drown your self? Or I'll do it for you (Cain and charity see Chloe and they stop and Chloe shakes her head and runs out)
Cain: Chloe (there about to walk out when Jacob stops them)
Jacob: no let me she's upset, she needs a friend (Jacob walks out and Cain walks over to the bar and puts his head into his hands and hits the bar)

Chloe runs outside panicking and tears roll down her eyes and she wipes her tears
Jacob runs our after her
Jacob: Chloe (Chloe turns around)
Chloe: i don't need all the fighting today i really don't
Jacob: eh calm down, it's alright (Jacob puts his hands on both of Chloe's shoulders)
Chloe: but it's not alright though is it? I can't do it Jacob
Jacob: what are you talking about?
Chloe: I can't go to court it's too hard I can't stand up in front of all them people
Jacob: Chloe of course you can
Chloe: no I can't Jacob I'm not strong enough
Jacob: Chloe your the strongest person I know, look I know your scared but it'll be okay and it'll be worth it in the end, Michael deserves to be locked up. I'll be their every step of the way (Jacob puts a hand on Chloe's shoulder)
Chloe: thank you, I wouldn't know what I would do without you
Jacob: come here (Jacob hugs Chloe) now show them what your made off (Chloe holds Jacobs hand and Cain walks out the Woolpack with everyone)
Cain; you ready then?
Chloe: yeah let's do this (Cain puts his arm around Chloe and they all get in the cars)

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