Chapter 23 big decisions

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The day after Chloe found out that she was pregnant
Charity is talking to Chas at the table
Charity: what are we going to do?
Chas: well first of all, you need to sit Chloe down and you need to talk to her, find out who the father is
Charity: that doesn't take a genius to work out, she's pretty close to Jacob. How am I going to tell Cain? He's going to be so angry
Chas: I don't know, just tell him calmly. they'll never be a right time to tell him, I think Chloe should break it to him, she might get through to him. All you have to do is, just be there for her
Charity: yeah your right, thanks Chas (they smile at each other and Chloe walks in, in her uniform) where do you think your going?
Chloe: School. I said I would go meet my friend Leanna
Charity: don't you think we should talk?
Chloe: not really, I just want to be with my friends
Chas: your friends will be there tomorrow, just talk to your mum and find a way to tell your dad. Right, I'll leave you too it (chas walks out)
Chloe: mum, can't we do this later? I don't want to talk right now
Charity: so your just going to Pretend that isn't happening? Chloe, your pregnant
Chloe: and don't you think i know that? It's not like I ever wanted any of this. I'm not keeping the baby, I can't so we don't need to tell dad do we?
Charity: yes we do (Chloe sits next to charity)
Chloe: mum, please
Charity: and don't you think that he has a right to know?
Chloe: you know what dads like, he'll get angry
Charity: maybe at 1st but he loves you, we both do
Chloe: but I'm scared
Charity: I know, but we'll just have to face this, you have the whole family supporting you, I'll be by your side no matter what happens
Chloe: yeah?
Charity: yeah, of course. No matter how much trouble you get yourself into, it won't ever stop me loving you (Chloe hugs Charity)

Chloe and Charity are on the sofa
Cain walks in
Cain: right you said you had to tell me something important so I'm here
Charity: yeah
Cain: Chloe, why aren't you at school?
Chloe: I just haven't been feeling well lately
Cain: okay, what's going on?
Chloe: you should sit down
Cain: I'm alright here
Chloe: okay, well I'm just going to come out and say it, but your not going to like it
Cain: okay, now I'm even more worried
Chloe: you have to promise not to get mad
Cain: that depends what your about to tell me. What have you done Chloe?
Chloe: I'm.. I'm pregnant
Cain: what? You are joking? Your 14
Charity: she didn't mean for this to happen, I mean I had our debs when I was 13
Cain: I don't want our daughter turning out like us but it's too late isn't it? I thought we were over any trouble with you
Chloe: I'm sorry dad
Cain: who's the father?
Chloe: well why does that matter?
Cain: of course it matters. He got you pregnant
Chloe: I don't know who the dad is, it was someone at a party, I was drunk and so was he
Cain: who are you protecting?
Chloe: nobody
Cain: you better not be lying to me
Chloe: I'm not
Cain: well what now?
Charity: right now, Chloe needs to think about what she really wants
Cain: your not seriously thinking about keeping it are you?
Chloe: no, of course not
Cain: good because your 14, you have all your life ahead of you
Charity: alright Cain, you can get back to work
Cain: she's my daughter as well. You can't stop me from getting involved
Chloe: I don't want any of you involved
Charity: what? (Chloe stands up)
Chloe: well it's my body and I'll decide what I want to do with it. You two are just so controlling, you fight over me like I'm some toy
Cain: Chloe
Chloe: just leave me alone. I'm going out
Charity: where?
Chloe: just out (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is walking and she sees Jacob
Jacob: Chloe, hey
Chloe: hey
Jacob: are you okay?
Chloe: no, not really
Jacob: why? What's up?
Chloe: I have to talk to you about something
Jacob: about what?
Chloe: Jacob, I'm so sorry
Jacob: why? What are you sorry for?
Chloe: I'm pregnant Jacob
Jacob: what? But we were carful
Chloe: well obviously not (Jacob doesn't say anything) look you don't have to say anything, I just thought you should know
Jacob: do your parents know it's mine?
Chloe: no and they won't find out. You don't have to worry, I'm not keeping it, I'm 14, I'm not ready to be a mum. I'm protecting you from my dad Jacob, you don't want to see him when he's angry
Jacob: right, well I better get home, I'll see you later or something
Chloe: yeah, okay (Jacob walks away)

Chloe is sat in the cafe
Debbie walks in
Debbie: what are you doing in here?
Chloe: well what does it look like? I'm having tea whilst thinking (Debbie sits opposite Chloe)
Debbie: did dad go mad?
Chloe: well he wasn't best pleased
Debbie: he'll get over it
Chloe: I don't know about that
Debbie: so have you decided what your going to do?
Chloe: yeah, I'm getting an abortion
Debbie: are you sure that's what you want? It's your body, your decision, don't get rid of the baby because of mum and dad and what they think
Chloe: when do I ever do anything that I'm told? If I do get rid of this baby, it'll be my decision
Debbie: okay, well I was just making sure (Debbie smiles at Chloe)

Chloe is at home, sat on the sofa
Charity walks in
Charity: where have you been?
Chloe: I just went for a walk, I had a lot to think about it, bumped into Debbie on the way (charity sits next to Chloe)
Charity: I've made you an appointment at the doctors for tomorrow
Chloe: okay
Charity: so, what are you going to do?
Chloe: like I said, I want an abortion
Charity: okay, well it's your decision, I'll support you whatever you choose to do
Chloe: yeah?
Charity: yeah, Chloe of course, your still my little girl, I love you
Chloe: I love you too mum And I'm sorry if I let you down, I always do that
Charity: Chloe, you can never let me down, no matter what you do, even if I do get mad sometimes. Come here (Charity hugs Chloe)

I hope you like this chapter. Comment any suggestions that you may have

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