Chapter 15 making up and serious chats

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Chloe is walking and she sees Jacob
Chloe walks past Jacob
Jacob: Chloe? Chloe please just hear me out (Chloe turns around)
Chloe: why should I? (Jacob walks up to Chloe) Gabby asked you out on a date and you said yes
Jacob: I only said yes because you didn't want anyone knowing about us
Chloe: you could of made up an excuse
Jacob: well what was I suppose to say?
Chloe: that you were busy
Jacob: Chloe you can't blame me for saying yes
Chloe: oh can't I?
Jacob: Chloe our relationship is supposed to be fun
Chloe: well I'm not having fun Jacob
Jacob: your the one who goes all jealous
Chloe: whatever, look just leave me alone Jacob
Jacob: that's fine by me (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is at home and she's sat on the sofa
Debbie walks in
Debbie: have you seen dad?
Chloe: no, I think he's gone out with Moira
Debbie: what's wrong chlo?
Chloe: nothing, I'm fine (Debbie sits next to Chloe)
Debbie: you just don't seem yourself that's all
Me: Jacob
Debbie: what's he done now?
Chloe: yesterday, gabby found out that we like each other
Debbie: isn't that a good thing?
Chloe: but now she hates me
Debbie: I'm sure that's not true
Me: you didn't see her face or the way she spoke to me. She was so hurt. She called me a slapper and a stuck up princess
Debbie: well none of them things are true. Believe me chloe if gabby really was a good friend, she would be happy for you
Chloe: you don't know her like I do. She still misses her dad
Debbie: we've all been through stuff, that's not an excuse to act like that
Chloe: I guess
Debbie: have you spoken to Jacob?
Chloe: this morning but we just argued. I guess it wasn't meant to be
Debbie: Look I better go. Sarah will be wondering where I am
Chloe: just tell her thar you was being the best big sister ever
Debbie: and then I'll tell her that I have the best little sister (Chloe and Debbie laugh)
Chloe: Thank you Debs
Debbie: no problem, if you ever want to talk, about boys or whatever then you can come to me, your my little sister, I'll always have your back
Chloe: thank you (Chloe hugs Debbie)

Chloe is walking with Liv
Liv: just stick with me yeah? We don't need Jacob and gabby, they can get lost
Chloe: yeah, your right (gabby walks up to Chloe and  Liv)
Gabby: chlo
Chloe: what do you want?
Gabby: to apologise
Chloe: for what gabby? The part where you said hurtful words or for going mad about Jacob
Gabby: all of it. I didn't realise that you liked Jacob. I should of been a better friend, the one where you could talk to. I swear If you give me another chance, then I will be the best friend. I'll be there for you for now on, I promise
Liv: she does sound genuine Chloe
Chloe: alright. I forgive you. I should of just told you then none of this would of happened, I'm sorry
Gabby: it's okay. So are we friends again? (Chloe nods)
Chloe: friends (Chloe and gabby hug)
Liv: so now that's all cleared up, you can come back to mine, we can watch a horror
Chloe: yeah, go on then
Gabby: I bet Chloe will be the first 1 to scream
Chloe: no that will be you
Liv: I say both of you (they laugh and they walk to Liv's)

Chloe, gabby and Liv are watching a horror at the back of the woolpack
Chas: what are you doing? (They scream)
Liv: chas you scared us half to death
Chas: you shouldn't be watching a horror then should you? (Chas turns the tv off)
Liv: I'm 15 and so Is gabby
Chas: as well as you know, that dvd is an 18
Liv: Aaron wouldn't have a problem with it
Chas: well he's busy
Chloe: we were only having a laugh
Chas: your dad's looking for you by the way Chloe
Chloe: why?
Chas: he wants to talk to you
Chloe: about?
Chas: why don't you go find your dad?
Gabby: do you want us to come with you?
Chas: you can't, it's a family matter
Chloe: chas just tell me, what's going on
Chas: it's not my place to say, go on (Chloe stands up)
Chloe: I'll see you guys later then
Liv: call us
Chloe: yeah of course (Chloe walks out)

Chloe walks in the house to see cain at the the table
Cain: chlo
Chloe: what's going on dad? Chas Saids you want to talk to me about something
Cain: I do, come sit down
Chloe: why? ( Chloe sits next to cain) dad your starting to freak me out. Dad just tell me what's going on, please
Cain: me and Moira are splitting up
Chloe: what? Why?
Cain: were just not getting on anymore
Chloe: what's that supposed to mean?
Cain: we've drifted apart
Chloe: but you can't do that. We've been a family for so long now
Cain: I know and I'm sorry
Chloe: I don't want to hear your apology or excuses. How could you do this to us?
Cain: Chlo. We're going to have to move out but we'll be alright won't we? Me you and Kyle. I know this must be a shock
Chloe: you think?
Cain: Chloe, just go pack a bag yeah?
Chloe: no, I'm staying here tonight so just leave me alone (Chloe stands up and she goes to her room)

I hope you like this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it ☺️

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