Chapter 35 the aftermath

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Everyone is still in the woolpack
Debbie walks over to Cain and Charity
Debbie: have you seen Chlo?
Charity: not for a bit, she was in a bit of a strop with me earlier
Cain: why? What have you done?
Charity: nothing thank you
Debbie: but why else would Chloe be in a mood?
Charity: let me think about that, maybe it's because her hormones are all over the place and she doesn't want anyone fussing over her, she's determined to do everything on her own, she's stubborn, no guessing where she gets that from
Cain: from both of us
Charity: I was thinking more like you but okay
Debbie: is now really the time? (liv walks over to them)
Liv: are you looking for Chloe?
Debbie: yeah Liv, do you know where she is?
Liv: no but Leanna and Poppy came in
Cain: well what did they want?
Liv: to talk to Chloe, I think they went outside
Charity: thanks Liv (their about to go outside when Leanna runs in)
Debbie: Leanna?
Leanna: it's Chloe, she fell and banged her head (they all rush out)

Chloe is still unconscious
Charity: oh my god, Chloe
Chas: have you phoned an ambulance?
Leanna: yeah their on the way
Cain: Chlo, can you hear us? Chlo? How did this happen?
Leanna: it was Poppy, I tried to stop her
Cain: what?
Leanna: Poppy was being really horrible, she pulled Chloe's arm to hold her back and Chloe just fell back (Leanna explains panicking. Cain stands up)
Cain: I'm going to kill her (He's about to walk away but Chas stops him)
Chas: that's not going to help anything
Cain: but she's just hurt my daughter
Chas: last thing Chloe needs is you getting yourself banged up, Chloe needs you right now. Be with your daughter (Cain walks back over to Chloe)

The ambulance is here
Chloe is on the stretcher
She's awake
Chloe: dad (Cain holds Chloe's hand)
Cain: eh, it's alright, I'm here
Charity: go with her, we'll meet you at the hospital
Debbie: Leanna go tell Jacob, he needs to know
Leanna: okay (Leanna rushes away)

Leanna walks in David's shop
Jacob sees her
Jacob: what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out causing trouble or something?
Leanna: it's Chloe, their's been an accident
Jacob: what sort of accident?
Leanna: she fell and banged her head. She's been taken to hospital
Jacob: what? I have to go
Leanna: yeah, I'll watch the shop, you go and be with Chloe, she needs you
Jacob: right, thanks Leanna (Jacob runs out)

At the hospital
Chloe's family is waiting in the waiting room
Jacob and David run over
Jacob: is their any news?
Charity: not yet, the doctors in with her now
Jacob: she will be alright though won't she?
Chas: eh, of course she will. This is Chloe we're talking about, the strongest kid we know
David: see, she'll be fine
Cain: I'm going to kill Poppy and them mates of hers
Chas: Cain, we've talked about this. The last thing Chloe needs right now, is you getting locked up, we all just need to stick together and get Chloe through this
Cain: yeah your right, thanks sis (Cain and Chas smile at each other)

The doctor walks over
They stand up
Charity: how is she?
Doctor: Chloe's okay, she's awake. She's banged her head, we need to keep her in for observation, but there's no damage as far as we can tell
Cain: what about the baby?
Doctor: we don't know for sure, we're going to do a scan. The baby should be fine
Jacob: can we see her?
Doctor: yeah that'll be fine, but just not for long, Chloe needs her rest
Chas: right thanks doctor
Doctor: no problem (the doctor walks away)

Cain walks in Chloe's hospital room
Cain: is it alright if I come in?
Nurse: of course it is, but Chloe does need rest. I'll leave you to it (the nurse walks out and Cain sits next to Chloe)
Cain: Chloe
Chloe: dad
Cain: How are you feeling?
Chloe: Sore, but I'll be fine, their keeping me in overnight to be sure, I hit my head pretty hard
Cain: what about the baby?
Chloe: the baby should be fine, there going to do a scan to be sure
Cain: oh thank god
Chloe: I'm sorry
Cain: eh what are you sorry for?
Chloe: I was a pain all day, I just didn't want all this fuss and now I've made it worst
Cain: eh (Cain holds Chloe's hand and she cries) listen to me Chlo, this isn't your fault, it's not, it's Poppy's. we have to go to the police
Chloe: no please don't
Cain: she can't get away with it
Chloe: it's just going to be more stress and it'll make it worst, you don't know what she's like, Dad, please, no police
Cain: alright, we won't go to the police, just calm down alright? (Debbie, Chas, charity, Jacob and David walk in)
Jacob: Chloe
Chloe: it's okay, I'm fine
Charity: babes we were so worried about you
David: how are you doing?
Chloe: I'm okay, their keeping me in overnight for observation
Jacob: and the baby?
Chloe: they think the baby's fine, their going to do a scan to be sure (Chloe looks at Debbie) Debs
Debbie: yeah?
Me: your birthday, I ruined it
Debbie: eh no you didn't. Just as long as your alright, that's what matters
Chloe: I just wanted today to be perfect
Debbie: they'll be other birthdays
Chas: we'll leave you to it. I'm so glad your alright Chloe (Chas hugs Chloe)
Chloe: thanks Chas
David: you just look after yourself
Chloe: I will, thanks for coming David
Charity: call me if you need anything (Charity kisses Chloe's head) I love you
Chloe: love you too
Cain: do you want me to stay?
Chloe: no you go on, I'll be alright with Jacob
Cain: alright, if you need me, I'll be over straight away (Cain kisses Chloe's head) I love you
Chloe: love you too (they walk out)
Debbie: I thought I might stick around for a bit, I'll get us a drink
Chloe: tea please
Debbie: do you want anything Jacob?
Jacob: no, I'm alright thanks
Debbie: Alright, I'll be back soon (Debbie walks out)
Jacob: you had us all worried
Chloe: I know. Jacob
Jacob: yeah?
Chloe: I am sorry, I really am
Jacob: what for?
Chloe: for snapping at you earlier, I didn't mean It. I was just annoyed at everyone going on, I just wanted space
Jacob: it's okay, I get it
Chloe: you do?
Jacob: yeah of course I do (Jacob holds Chloe's hand) for now on, whatever you need, I'll do it and if you need space, then I'll let you have it
Chloe: thanks Jacob, your the best
Jacob: and don't you forget it (they laugh and they look at each other) I love you
Chloe: I love you too (Jacob kisses Chloe)

Chloe is talking to Debbie and Jacob
Their all laughing
Leanna knocks and she walks in
Chloe: Leanna
Leanna: I just wanted to check if you were okay
Debbie: well now you have, so see you
Chloe: Debs
Debbie: she can't get away with it (Debbie stands up) Look what you've done, my little sister is in hospital and she could have lost the baby
Leanna: I didn't know poppy would do this, I didn't (Leanna wells up)
Debbie: you shouldn't have got involved with Poppy in the 1st place. Chloe is meant to be your best friend, you know everything she's been through
Leanna: I'm really sorry
Debbie: if your really sorry then you can leave my little sister alone
Chloe: Debbie. Let me talk to her
Debbie: after everything she's done?
Chloe: it wasn't her fault, she honestly thought poppy was trying to make up with me. Just give me 5 minutes with Leanna
Jacob: are you sure?
Chloe: yeah, I'm sure
Debbie: alright (Debbie looks at Leanna) don't upset her (Jacob and Debbie walk out)
Chloe: I didn't know you would come
Leanna: Chloe of course I would (Leanna starts crying) your my best friend (Leanna sits down) I know I haven't been a good friend but I've realised now that I've been so stupid, i thought Poppy was my friend but she just used me to get at you. This is all of my fault, I'm so sorry
Chloe: Leanna, it's not your fault, it's Poppy's
Leanna: why are you being so nice to me? I don't deserve it
Chloe: we were both hurt in different ways, Poppy used you
Leanna: I did actually think her and her gang liked me, not many people do, sometimes I just feel so lonely and when Poppy came along, it felt good that someone actually liked me for me, or so I thought
Chloe; eh, you have me and for now on, we stick together
Leanna: So friends? (Chloe holds out her hand and Leanna takes it)
Chloe: Friends (Chloe and Leanna smile at each other)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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