Chapter 33 Helping Moira and Cain

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Chloe knocks on Moira's door
Moira answers
Issac is crying
Moria: now really isn't a good time Chloe
Chloe: I came to see how my brother was doing, him crying the house down saids it all
Moira: well you have all this to come. Now I really need to go and see to him
Chloe: I can do it if you like
Moira: no it's okay
Chloe: but you seem stressed. Babies can sense that sort of thing can't they? I read it In this book I've got, it tells me what to expect and how to be a good parent, that kind of thing
Moira: Chloe I said no and I meant it
Chloe: I was only trying to help
Moira: well I don't need it
Chloe: well I'll just go then (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is walking
Debbie walks over to her
Debbie: Chloe? What's up?
Chloe: I'm just worried about Moira
Debbie: why?
Chloe: she totally snapped at me earlier. I only offered to help with Issac, he was screaming the house down. Moira looked stress
Debbie: she's got a social worker coming to the house
Chloe: what? Why?
Debbie: to tell you the truth, I don't think she's coping
Chloe: and where's Dad?
Debbie: off with Harriet, you know what he's like
Chloe: well we have to do something
Debbie: we're staying out of it
Chloe: but we can't let Issac go into care, we just can't, we know what's it like, we can't let our little brother go through that
Debbie: alright Chloe, just calm down, getting yourself worked up isn't good for you or the baby
Chloe: Debbie, I'm fine, I just want to do something. I'm going to talk to Dad, get him to pull his weight, be a better dad
Debbie: yeah because Dad really loves being told what to do
Chloe: if he cares about us, then he'll listen
Debbie: alright, we'll talk to him, come here (Debbie hugs Chloe)

Chloe and Debbie walk over to Cain at the garage
Debbie: Dad
Cain: oh hey, what are you two doing here?
Debbie: we came to talk to you
Cain: why? Should I be worried?
Chloe: yeah, yeah you could say that
Debbie: it's about Moira
Cain: what about her?
Chloe: she's in a bad way, she's stressed and she's moody all of the time
Cain: well that's normal for having a kid, you'll realise soon
Chloe: but I have Jacob, Moira's on her own
Debbie: yeah seems as your not pulling your weight
Cain: Look just drop it
Chloe: not until you get your act together. Issac is a innocent baby Dad and he's done nothing wrong and he needs his dad
Debbie: there's a social working going to the house, we thought you should know
Cain: what?
Chloe: Dad, you need to go round there now and you help Moira clean and make the place look nice and when the social worker gets there, you tell her that your going to support Moira and the baby and you won't just leg it when things get tough, like you always do
Cain: are you finished?
Debbie: you have to do this Dad
Chloe: if you don't do this for Moira and Issac, then me and you are done. Come on Debs (Chloe and Debbie walk away)

Chloe is at Jacob's
David walks through
David: oh Hi Chloe
Chloe: hey
David: have you had something to eat?
Chloe: not really
David: I'll make you a sandwich
Chloe: you really don't have to
David: your carrying my grandkid, you have to keep your strength up
Chloe: well okay then
Jacob: so where have you been all day then?
Chloe: just with Debs, we were sorting Dad out, he can be such a pain sometimes. Moira's not coping with Issac and it's like dad couldn't even care less
Jacob: Just let them deal with it, you have enough to deal with
Chloe: I wish everyone would stop saying that. Jacob, I'm fine. I'm pregnant, not Ill. My little brother could go into care, I know what that's like, I couldn't just stand back and do nothing
Jacob: alright, just calm down, I'm sorry
Chloe: no it should be me saying sorry, I'm sorry i snapped, I'm just scared for Issac
Jacob: it's okay, I get it
David: here you go Chlo (David gives Chloe a sandwich)
Chloe: thanks David, I'm starving, your the best
Jacob: so the way to your heart is to give you food then?
Chloe: er yes, do you even know me? (They laugh)

Chloe and Jacob are walking
They see Cain pushing Issac in the push chair
Chloe: dad
Cain: oh hey
Jacob: I'll leave you to it, see you in a bit Chloe (Jacob walks away)
Chloe: I didn't expect to see you with Issac
Cain: yeah well I did what you said and it worked, the social worker thinks we're coping and I really want to be there for Issac
Chloe: what made you change your mind?
Cain: just something you said, your right I can't just run away when things get tough, it's not just about me, it's About Issac. I missed out on you being a baby and I missed most of Debbie growing up, I don't want that to happen to Issac (Chloe hugs Cain and they turn to look at Issac)
Chloe: he looks like you, you know?
Cain: does he?
Chloe: yeah, your double. Poor kid
Cain: oi (they laugh and Chloe Leans her head into Cain)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :-)

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