Chaprer 16 moving in with charity

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This story will have some of the storylines in it.
Chloe walks in the kitchen to see Moira
Chloe: Moira (Chloe hugs Moira)
Moira: what's all of this?
Chloe: dad told me about you two splitting up. I'm sorry
Moira: there's no need to be sorry, it's not your fault
Chloe: I kind of feel like it is though (Chloe sits next to Moira) I haven't exactly been the easiest to live with
Moira: Chloe it's not your fault. I love you like my own daughter
Chloe: do you really mean that?
Moira: yeah of course I do and me and your dad splitting up isn't going to change that (Chloe hugs Moira)

Chloe is walking
Liv walks up to Chloe
Liv: what happened to you calling us last night?
Chloe: sorry. I had a row with dad
Liv: I heard what happened with your dad and Moira, Chas told me
Chloe: parents always think they know best but they don't
Liv: i know. Why don't you come to the woolpack, we can steal booze and get total wasted
Chloe: I'm really not in the mood
Liv: oh come on (charity walks over)
Charity: Liv, do you mind giving us a minute?
Liv: I'll text you Chloe (Liv walks away)
Charity: I've spoken to your dad (Chloe is about to walk away) Chloe, just wait will you?
Chloe: what?
Charity: I know your angry at your dad
Chloe: why's it any of your business exactly?
Charity: because I'm your mum
Chloe: yeah only when it suits you
Charity: what's that supposed to mean?
Chloe: you know exactly what that means
Charity: can we just drop the attitude yeah? Speaking to me like that isn't going to make this any better
Chloe: Well I'll just go shout at dad then
Charity: Chloe. Your dad is a grown man, he can do whatever he Wants
Chloe: not when it affects his kids
Charity: look your dad loves you so much and he would do anything for you. He puts me to shame, He's a better parent then me, I admit
Chloe: why are you sticking up for him? You hate him
Charity: I never said I hated him
Chloe: yeah you did, loads of times, your always raging about him
Charity: alright but I know how it feels when your kids hate you
Chloe: mum, we don't hate either of you. You just let us down a lot and make us angry
Charity: so will you just talk to your dad, yeah?
Chloe: yeah sure, I'll talk to dad (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is about to walk into the woolpack and she sees Harriet and Cain kissing round the corner
She walks over
Chloe: dad? (They turn to see Chloe)
Cain: Chloe, this isn't what it looks like
Chloe: well you were kissing, what's more to it then that?
Harriet: Chloe
Chloe: no, don't talk to me, I'm talking to my dad
Cain: Chloe, don't be rude
Chloe: why are you sticking up for her?
Cain: because I like her okay?
Chloe: so this is why you and Moira split?
Cain: yeah, partly the reason
Chloe: I was looking for you to apologise for going off on one but I don't think I'll bother. You two deserve each other (Chloe walks away)
Cain: Chloe (Chloe carry's on walking)

Chloe is sat at the back of the woolpack with Noah
Noah: so you caught them kissing?
Chloe: yep. My dad and the local vicar, what an embarrassment
Noah: I bet that's why she gave up her job because she was seeing your dad
Chloe: so do you recon they've been going at it for months then?
Noah: probably
Me: that makes me sick (Debbie and Chas walk in)
Chas: Chloe, what are you doing Here?
Chloe: I live here now
Chas: since when?
Chloe: since now
Debbie: you haven't said anything to anyone
Chloe: I know but my dad is too busy chasing after the vicar (Chloe and Noah laugh)
Debbie: I take it you know then
Chloe: what? You knew?
Debbie: I only found out a few days ago, before Moira
Chloe: but nobody told me
Debbie: well they didn't want to upset you
Noah: well it don't matter, this is your home now
Chloe: yeah. No way will I ever go back to Dad

Chloe stands up and she walks in the kitchen
Chloe: right, I think I'm going to call it a night
Charity: don't you think you should give your dad a call?
Chloe: no
Debbie: I phoned him
Chloe: you did what?
Debbie: he's really worried about you
Chloe: yeah right
Charity: Chloe, just talk to him
Chloe: how many times do I have to say it? I don't want to. If he wants to mess everything up then let him, that's not my problem (Chloe walks out)

Chloe is sat upstairs
She has 4 missed calls from cain and a message saying "Chloe, I love you no matter what. Just pick up your phone, I just need to know that your okay"
Chloe cries reading the message

Will Chloe make up with Cain? Stay tuned ;-)

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