Chapter 11 bullies

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Chloe is waking to the bus stop and she sees Jacob
Chloe: Jacob
Jacob: Hiya. Do you want to sit next to me on the bus?
Chloe: yeah sure (Chloe and Jacob smile at each other and they sit at the bus stop waiting for the bus)

Chloe is having an argument with this girl poppy at school
Poppy: I don't know why you bothered turning up for school today. We all know that your just a skank
Chloe: you what?
Poppy: you heard me. Nobody wants you here
Jacob: Chloe, keep calm, just leave it come on
poppy: yeah I'd listen to him if I were you
Jacob: why don't you just leave her alone? She's done nothing wrong to you
poppy: aww how sweet, your little boyfriend is sticking up for you
Chloe: your not worth my time, your nothing. I bet you wouldn't be saying this if your mates weren't here and you have the cheek to call me a skank. Maybe try looking in the mirror (Chloe walks away and Jacob follows)

Chloe stops at her locker
Jacob: Chloe don't let her get to you
Chloe: I can fight my own battles Jacob, I am a dingle after all
Jacob: I know, I was just trying to help
Chloe: well don't bother Jacob, you made me look like a total prat who can't fight her own battles
Jacob: Chloe I'm sorry (Chloe walks away)

Chloe is sitting in french and Jacob is behind Chloe
Jacob: Chloe, Chloe I'm really sorry. I just thought you'd want help, I know you can stick up for yourself but they just really annoyed me. There in the year above us and they think it's okay to pick on younger people,
Chloe: they weren't picking on me Jacob
Jacob: really? Didn't seem that way. You shouldn't be getting stressed out Chloe after everything that happened. It's not good for your injuries, your meant to be taking it easy
Chloe: I don't need a reminder Jacob. Look for now on, I can handle my own problems. They don't scare me and they don't bother me, there just annoying bullies who are cowards Jacob, I wouldn't of given them the satisfaction of them upsetting me
Jacob: I understand that, I'm Sorry
Chloe: me too, I shouldn't of flew of the handle
Jacob: still friends?
Chloe: yeah course (Chloe and Jacob smile at each other)
Miss: Chloe, Jacob is there a problem?
Chloe: no miss, we were just chatting about the work weren't we Jacob?
Jacob: yeah

Chloe, Jacob, Liv and gabby are walking
When they see poppy and her gang
Poppy: look who it is
Chloe: get lost. Nobody even likes you poppy, your just fake who has to act hard to have mates
Gabby: nice one Chloe, see you later yeah?
Jacob: or how about not? (Liv laughs)
Liv: losers
Chloe: have a good rest of the day now won't you? Or you can move to Canada (they laugh and walk out of school)

Jacob and Chloe have said goodbye gabby and Liv
Jacob: you were brilliant standing up to them like that. There faces, they didn't expect that at all (they laugh)
Chloe: like I said, I'm the expert at standing up for my self
Jacob: well you certainly proved it (Chloe and Jacob look at each other and Chloe kisses Jacob's cheek) what was that for?
Chloe: thanks for today Jacob, I really appreciate it
Jacob: it was nothing
Chloe: but you did that for me (Chloe and Jacob smile at each other) anyway I better get home, my dad will be going spare (Chloe walks)
Jacob: do you want me to walk you home? (Chloe turns back round)
Chloe: I'll be alright, your a proper hero you are, you would make a good security guard (Jacob and Chloe laugh) see you tomorrow
Jacob: see you (Chloe turns back round and she walks away)

Jacob walks into the shop and sees David and Tracy
David: what's up with you?
Jacob: I need to ask you a question
David: what is it?
Jacob: what do you do if you really like a girl and you think she likes you back?
Tracy: aww little Jakey has a crush
Jacob: shut up
David: well I would ask her. Seriously mate what's stopping you, Chloe's a lovely girl
Jacob: I didn't say anything about Chloe
David: it's obvious mate
Jacob: is it really?
Tracy: yeah, everyone's rooting for you and Chloe, even Cain dingle. As you teenagers say, we ship you (David and Tracy laugh)
Jacob: your so embarrassing
David: talk to Chloe tomorrow and see if she wants to hang or something. That girls been through a lot, she needs a good guy like you
Jacob: thanks David (Jacob walks through to the back)

Chloe walks in moira's house
Cain is sat at the table
Cain: good day at school?
Chloe: yeah it was alright, same as usual (moira walks through)
Moira: what's put a smile on your face?
Me: nothing, am I not allowed to be happy?
Cain: no I like it, you should smile more often. I was worried your face was going to stick like that grumpy expression
Chloe: very funny dad, that's why you should of been a comedian instead of a mechanic
Cain: ooo, I like the sound of that
Chloe: yep and that was sarcasm dad. I'm just going to put my bag down in my room, stick the kettle on will you? (Chloe goes upstairs)
Moira: she seems happy
Cain: you don't think this has anything to do with Jacob do you?
Moira: I don't know, maybe but what does that matter? Chloe's happy, she's finally moving on
Cain: I know, I'm glad, she deserves to be happy (Cain and Moira smile at each other)

I hope you've enjoyed this chapter :-)

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