Corys cousin; corched/Gentlecheese au

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(art about above not mine. It belongs to the original artist, other then that, enjoy this fan fiction (*´ω`*) )


🌷Corys pov🌷
Cory woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, today was the day... career day... It was where people with high careers like   dentist and doctors and so on  came to school and shared what there jobs were like, it also ment that his cousin would be coming don't get him wrong he loves his family, and his cousin was great to him but he was a bit...odd..
He got up, did his normal routine and walked downstairs, where his cousin and his..I guess lover? was making breakfast
"Ah, good morning Mr Cory!"
"Please..just call me Cory gentlemen" he said with a small smile,
"My name mr cheese!"
Yup, Corys cousin was mr cheese.. they were related by his mom's side of the family,
"Today's career day yes? I can't wait!" The gentlemen said with a smile, Cory sighed slightly and smiled back

👉To school 👈

🧀Mr Cheese pov🧀
I walked around the school with the gentlemen, I'm honestly glad he's here with me, I'm also glad to be able to see my cousin after such a long time! We walked over to the teachers lounge and hangout with the other adults until it was time to head to the classrooms.

🌺To Corys classroom 🌺

🍬Cheds pov🍬
I honestly don't like career day, it's just so...dull to me, but it's kinda cool so I don't really care either way, just then the astronauts walked in one of them..kinda reminded me of someone..

♥️No pov♥️
"Hello everyone, my name is the gentlemen, this here is my work associate Mr Cheese"
"My name Mr Cheese!"
Some kids giggled at the sound of his voice, mr cheese noticed but just smiled it off
"Now allow us to explain what it is exactly we do back at HQ"
He started to talk about what it is they did, trying to avoid the entire imposter situation and such, mr cheese added in a few things here and there causing the kids to laugh a bit
"Now any questions?" Gentlemen asked looking around the room, one of the cheerleaders, laura, raised her hand
"What's with the cheese on his head?"
Some kids laughed like it was a dumb joke
"He's always had that..?.."
Mr cheese just smiled, Ched then spoke up
"Are you related to anyone here?"
Some kids laughed and "ooh!"-ed, looking around the room, Cory had his face down on his desk
"His name's-"
Before he could finish, mr egg walking in, yes the entire crew was there but he wasn't expecting to see him, just then an imposter impulse kicked in..
"Oh, sorry am I in the wrong room?"
"It's.. o-okay mr egg"
"T-thanks- OH SH_T!!-"
Mr cheese had just jumped on him and started punching him, he still hated mr egg for taking his gentlemen away, that's right..HIS gentlemen.. he had a look of pure insanity in his eyes, it was scary..
"Mr cheese!!" The teachers screamed
The students were shocked and the gentlemen just staired in awe, he admitted..he kinda liked that mr cheese could be a bit possessive at times, to some degree it was even cute,
Cory ran up and pulled him off of mr egg
"Cousin stop! Your gonna kill him!!"

🦋Cheds pov🦋
Did he just say cousin?..this..crazy guys is the camra faces cousin?! The f_ck!? 
Just then mr cheese went a bit limp and got off of him, he then looked at him like nothing happened,
"Are you insane?! You idiot!!"
He bops him on the head and the gentlemen sighs,
"okay what is happening right now?! And is that dude alive?!"
Just then mr whats-his-face got up, he took one look at mr cheese and ran..geez..
"You need to control your anger mr cheese.."

❤️‍🩹Part 2?❤️‍🩹

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