NSP Undertale Au; 'the paper bag'

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(yes, another nsp fanfic, this is an au where Cory wears a paper bag on/over his face {like this:

} Cause he didn't want people to see his camra face, AND NOW TO THE STORY!-)______________-Corys pov-I wake up from bed and got up to stretch, i then got dressed and grabbed my paper bag and put it on, 'just another day in the underground

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} Cause he didn't want people to see his camra face, AND NOW TO THE STORY!-)
-Corys pov-
I wake up from bed and got up to stretch, i then got dressed and grabbed my paper bag and put it on, 'just another day in the underground....',
I peak my head out to see no one, 'Yes!' I then quietly walked to the kitchen and began to make breakfast, 'nothing like some good old fashioned pancakes!' I smile to myself, since toriel wasn't here today and Frisk is still asleep I decided to take off my paper bag, placing it into the kitchen counter, and continued to make breakfast.
-Frisk pov-
I wake up to the familiar smell of pancakes, 'is mom home?' I got up and got dressed and quietly sneaked over to the kitchen, 'I Don't wanna wake Cor up..' as I sneak around the corner I saw..Cory? Without his paper bag! I decided to watch him some more, 'maybe I'll finally see his face?', for as long as I've known Cor, I've never seen his face, as he turned around to set a plate of fresh pancakes, I saw what was probably the CUTEST FREAKING THING EVER!! Cory had Rosie red-ish pink cheeks, soft lips, and a camra face with the brightest blue eye, he also had dirty blonde curly hair, 'Aww!!~ he's so cute!~ why does he hide his face so much?...' I continued to watch him until his back was turned again, and then sneakily sat down on one of the kitchen stool's, 'time for a surprise!~'
-no pov-
Cory turned back around only to meet frisk face to face, he make a slight squeak sound and Dropped whatever he was holding having it carsh onto the floor only for him to duck down covering his face, "C-cory!" Frisk shouted in concern he rushed over to his side and crouched down next to him, patting his back for comfort, Frisk could hear soft cry's from the boy, "c-cory! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!" She didn't know why but she felt as if she should apologize, Cory then bolted up, grabbing his paper bag and running back into his room. Frisk rushed after him barging into his room as he had just put the bag back on, "Cory..." Frisk then gently walked over to the boy, slightly lifting it up only so she could see the bottom half of his face, and cupped his right cheek. "It's ok... you're safe..." She whispered to him, Cory then hesitantly removed the bag from his face, looking away from her. Frisk then kissed his cheek only for Cory to blush and reply with a shy nervous smile, "Now let's go eat breakfast~"
(If y'all want more of this au lemme know!)

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