Dangonronpa V3 OC insert AU; Angry 'little' Girl

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-kokich's pov-
I'm hanging out with Marsh outside, sitting on the bench and talking about, well, anything really.
Anddd maybe I've been sneaking a few glances ok shuichi every now and then~ but not the point!
But I guess Kaito saw me looking at shu, cause he started walking towards Tenko...
-Marshmallows pov-
I've been talking with kokichi for a while now, it's...fun
I notice that he's been staring at that boy with the blue hair, what was his name? Shu.... shuichi? Yeah shuichi,
But I ignore it, 'it's not my business', kokichi often lies too, it's, kinda fun, especially when I can tell when he lies.
He suddenly stopped talking, looking forward, I turn my head to face the same direction he was looking and....
-no pov-
"Kokichi!" Tenko yelled walk towards Kokichi with a slight angry look, "Did you pick on Himiko agian you degenerate male!?" She balled her hands into fist, "so what if I did?~" kokichi teased with a slight giggle, Marsh could tell he was just messing with her, but.... -BAM-
Tenko just punched kokichi....
Most saw and did nothing, kokichi felt the left side of his cheek, 'hurts...' he faked a smile and looked at Tenko in the eyes, but before he could even lie..
"what. The. F__K, YOU B__CH!?", Now this caught there attention, it was Marsh, kokichi staired at her in shock, he swore he saw fire in her eye that day, "HE WAS WITH ME THE WHOLE DAY, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! THE MAN WAS MESSING WITH YOU WHEN HE SAID THAT, HECK IM SURE EVEN *YOU* COULD'VE FIGURED THAT OUT!!" Tenko walked back in a bit of shock, 'she defended me?...', Kokichi could feel small tears in his eyes, not from sadness but happyness. "I-im sorr-", "YEAH YOU BETTER BE SORRY, NOW GET LOST BEFORE I SEW YOUR FREAKING SKIRT TO A SPONGE!!", Tenko then ran in the other direction, Marsh then calmed down, returning back to her 'original' state. "You ok?" She said looking at kokichi, he then quickly rubbed his tears away and said, "Yeah! I'm Good!"
(Lemme know if y'all want more :3 )

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