NSP Fallout au; Ghoulfriend

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(what's this? A new NSP ship! (・o・) And to answer a quick question: YES I do kinda, sorta, maybe ship Adam and Cory from the fallout roleplay! Is this possibly inspired by another fanfic I read? Definitely. But other then that please enjoy!)
(The fanfic: https://my.w.tt/h6vpOGiFY9)
-Corys pov-
"Boom! Headshots!" I saw in victory, 'I'll never get tired of killing ghouls~'
"Oh boy! Food!"
Uni says, as he runs to one of the corps, feasting on its body
'still not used to that....'
I mentally gag at the gross sight, I sit down into the ground and sigh,
"What's wrong Cory? Want some?"
Uni says, a piece of the ghouls flesh in his mouth,
"Nah, I guess I'm just... thinking about something...."
I sigh agian, I...kinda miss Adam, and the others too of course! But...I miss him the most.....his smile his laugh....I...
"Cory? Your face is red agian"
I snap back out of my thoughts and quickly cover my cheeks with my hands,
'I.....need a break...'

-To the green place-

-Adams pov-
I miss Cory....I sigh as I sit down onto my bed, I miss him, everything about him....I guess I kinda like him? But....I don't know...
"Hey Adam you good?"
Nick says poking his head through the door,
"Yeah just thinking.." I replied
"Cool, cause....Cory's back"
I jump up in suprise, without saying a word to nick or dawn, I rush outside to the front of the house, seeing both Cory and uni.
I say, well, more like shout
Cory replied back with a light redness in his cheeks, I smirk and run up to him

-no pov-

Nick and dawn walk out of the house to see Cory and uni outside,
They both shout, they then ran up next to him, besides Adam,
"how was your adventure with uni!" Nick asked excited to hear some cool storys (and to see if they made any cash)
"Yeah! You gotta tell us EVERYTHING! no missing details!!"
Adam added lightly punching Cory in the shoulder.
"Okay okay!"
He replied

-skip to night cause Im lazy-

-corys pov-
'adam hasn't changed a bit...'
I lightly chuckle as I sat up in my bed, hugging my pillow, I could feel my face heat up as adams face filled my mind,
'not one bit....'
I shove my face into my pillow,
Why am I like this?
I jump as I look towards my bedroom door,
"Cor, you up?.."
I place my pillow in my lap keeping my eye on the door and said,
"C-come in.."

-no pov-
Adam walked into Cory's room, a light green blush on his face,
"Can't sleep?"
Adam asked rubbing the back of his head as he walked over and sat on next to Cory on his bed, Cory replied by shaking his head no,
"Me either..."
Adam replied back, Adam looked at Cory, his face was red and he could've sworn he heard him gulp once or twice, he didn't know why but the time felt good enough, he then reached his hand out, caressing Cory's left cheek as Cor leaned his face into adams hand, it was cold, but he didn't mind. Adam then got closer......
And closer.....

Cory was now a red tomato at this point, adam was kissing him! Cory leaned into the kiss, rapping his arms around adams neck as Adam then held Cory by his hips,
This was the start of it, the start of a whole new story.

(Part 2?) 

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