Phoenix Drop High Zane Au; A way to win

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(WARNING: some angst)
-Zanes pov-
Why....why is this happening to me.... picking on me again....why do I bother?... I'll never be a shadow knight... he'll never love one loves me...
(Zane fans from behind the 4th wall: ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?! [Im sorry I had to, back to Zane!-])

I got up, still in pain and walked to the nurses office...she's not here, guess I'll bandage myself...agian....
-small time skip-
As I walk I spot Balto and his group, they look... happy?....they are kinda rivals of the shadow I guess there cool.... maybe...I couldn..join them instead?..then..
I couldn't think much anymore, I walk up to there group, and Balto saw me, "what do you want ro'mave?!", I staired at him blankly and said, "please...let me join your group...." They stair at me in shock, Balto laughs, "what makes you think I'll-", "I know all of the shadow knights territory and there tactics, I've... kinda been stalking them since the first day I came here...if you let me join I'll tell you everything...and...I can help you study or.. whatever...", They stair at me with wide eyes and waging tails, "ar-arnt you there biggest fan or something?!" One of them says, "I was...but they never liked me so....", I could feel tears swell up in my eye..., "A-and you guys seem" I tried to change the subject but Balto cuts in, "Your in kid!" He then grabs my hand and shakes it, I don't react..... I guess there are other ways to win huh?...
(Part 2?)

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