KND! Insert OC au; My dear spy friend

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Wally was up late in the Tree house sitting on one of the balconys, he was waiting for something, or rather, someONE, suddenly he hear a thump behind him as he turned around he saw a small girl with brown hair with pastel purple and pink tips, a black dress-suit with a flower eye patch on her right eye, "Marshmallow, you got what I asked?", Wally asked, "Yup, here ya go walla-bug!~" she then tossed him an orange envelope, Wally quickly caught it, "Now, my pay?~" she said, Wally sighed and took out from his pocket a small pack of soda, he then tossed to her, "Pleasure doing business with ya kid!" She said as she then jumped out of the tree house and disappeared into the streets.
Wally meet Marshmallow a few weeks back,
-Flash back-
He was walking down the street and stopped to see a small girl sitting alone near a candy shop, now normal he would just walk by and mind his own business, but the girl was sitting there on her computer, scarfing down the bag of candy next to her, and Wally, being wally, got curious. "Hey what ya doing?" He asked as he was walking up to her, "I'm hacking." She replied still focused on the screen "Hacking what?" "Stuff.", 'guess she's not one for conversation...' Wally thought, "I'm Wally by the way, Wallabee Beetles" he held out his hand, "Marshmallow" she said looking up from her screen shaking his hand, "can I see what you're doing?" Wally asked, "why not" she said, after that they hung out, talking about games, tv shows, and whatever else that they liked, "say how old are you anyway?" Wally asked, he assumed she was 9 cause of her hight but she gave more of a 12 year olds vibe, "Oh, I'm 15, you?" She said, Wally almost jumped out of his seat, 'THE GIRL IS A CRUDDY TEEN?!' he quickly pulled himself together, "I'm 10.." he said he reached into his pocket, holding one of his guns , ready to fight, "So your in the KND!! AH! I'm honestly a fan!" She said, Wally...was honestly not expecting this, a fan? A teen a fan of the KND? "W-wait are you serious, aren't you supposed to be fighting me right now?" He was seriously confused, "Hahaha, yeah...I'm actually part of a rebellion, we call our selves the 'No Age-ers', and if I'm to be honest, I kinda don't like the fact I'm forced to fight a bunch of kids, just cause I'm a teen." She sighed, "The 'No Age-ers'?", "Yeah! Is where we, those who don't want to fight the KND or Teens or adults, come together and, honestly just chill.", "Oh...then what are you hacking exactly?" Wally was skeptical, there's no way such a group can exist right?, "The Teens weapon base~" she said with a mischievous smile, "What!? Let me see!" He tried to grab the computer but Marsh was quick, "how about a deal? Ya see, me and my group are running low on members, SO~ I'll give you info on the Teens if YOU tell others about our group!", Wally paused for a minute, if he does this he'll have access to all of the teenagers weaponry, but how was he suppose to explain about knowing the 'No Ager-ers'? He decided that he'd cross that bridge when it comes to it, "Fine, We have a deal" Wally stood up and stuck out his hand, who marsh glady shook, "well then! Pleasure doing business with ya, Walla-bug!~"

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