Phoenix Drop High Zane Au; A way to win part 3

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-Gene pov-
"W-Wait WHAT?!"
Zenix yelled, Sasha just staired at me in suprise, as I wipe the tears from my eyes, I managed to choke out a few words,
"I-I just didn't expect screwed u-Up didn't I? Hahahaha.."
I screwed up, that was all I heard ringing in my head, I couldn't even hear zenix's many questions, that...that stupid ro'mave.....then's my fault isn't it?..... I could feel Sasha's hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me in my current state, I quickly shoved her hand off of me and ran towards the door,
"I'm going home.."
was all I said before leaving.
'I messed up....big today...and probably forever....'

-zenix pov-
I couldn't believe it, he actually LIKED HIM?! When Gene left I looked over to Sasha who looked just as shock as I was,
"Let's.....let's just go outside...."
She said with a tone of worry in her voice, And to be honest....I'm worried too....

-zane pov-
Me and the guys are at the roof right now, I can't help but look down to the ground, 'of course he didn't care...why would he? I bet he and his other pals are all laughing and smiling right now..not like I even was his pal though.....'
Suddenly someone snapped there fingers in front of my face, it was Balto.
"Hey, did ya hear me?"
He said, I shook my head no and he sighed,
"I asked why you're so quite all of a sudden"
He crossed his arms looking down at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and looked back down, I still kept thinking about Gen- no, HIM, why can't my feelings just disappear right now? Then one of his, or I guess our, buddy's said something,
"hey why did you wanna join us anyway?"
Should I tell them? All there faces turned to me, waiting for an answer,
"Cause he didn't want I stopped trying..."

(Part 4 (ㆁωㆁ)? )

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