NSP Bully!Cory × Ched; Stuck with Him

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(In this soulmate Au there are different types of strings;
Red - can change at anytime
Purple - multiple soulmates
Black - one of the soulmates had cheated on the other
Gold - together forever)

It was Valentine's day at Dansom Highschool, the day were everyone was finally able to get there strings, Everyone was excited to find out who there soulmate was and what string they would get, Cory however, was NOT excited, Cory was nervous about the whole soulmate thing, heck he wasn't sure if was even going to HAVE a soulmate, as he walked down the hallway towards the gymnasium he heard the same thing over and over again, "Oh maybe -insert random persons name- is your soulmate", "Maybe I'll get a gold string!!", And so on.
He finally arrived at the gymnasium and started looking for his friend group, when he suddenly saw ched glance at his direction, 'maybe he'll leave me alone for now..' he thought feeling a slight tightness in his chest, he then finally found his friend group and stood next to them, but before he could speak, the speakers turned on,
"Everyone! May I have your attention please! Today marks the very day! You'll find you're soulmate! Now let's start the count down!!"
Then as if on cue everyone counted down, "FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!!!" and a flash of white light shined,
Cory slowly opened his eyes and quickly looked down at his hand, and there on his ring finger, was a gold string.
"Wow! Lucky you Cor!" Tank said happy for his friend, Cory just chuckled in response, and soon along with everyone else followed his string, and followed, and followed, and followed, only to stop in the middle of the gym.
Slowly looking up his nervous, excited face, turned into a face of shock, "No.... freaking.....way....." He stammered, cause looking down back at him was no other than Ched himself.
-to be continued?-

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