NSP Undertale!Corisk au; The kitty incident

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Cory was walking over to Frisks house for there usual BFF sleepover, he wasn't going to lie he was very excited to see her, Cory had a crush on frisk for a long time now, he didn't know how it started or even why, but it did. As he walked up to Frisks house he knocked on the door, only to have a tall middle aged man answer it, "Ah, Cory! Frisk is waiting for you upstairs." He said, "Thanks Frisks dad!" Cory replied, he then ran up the stairs and knocked on the door to who frisk then answered, "CORY!!!" She said, then giving him a massive hug, Cory hugged back, "hey! What's up!" He walked in to Frisks room, he saw her bed, a air mattress (for him to sleep on), and her normal room decorations and other things but what really caught his eye was a pair of black cat ears and tail on her bed, along with some directions, "Hey what's that for?" He said pointing to the ears and tail, "oh it's for the school play, remember?", "Oh yeah, still can't believe you agreed to help with that though" Cory chuckled, as far as he could remember, Frisk never really Cared for school plays, "Hey I keep my word! And I promised the teacher I'd help!", "Yeah yeah" he rolled his eye, sometimes he couldn't help but admire her kindness, but he'd never admit it. "Frisk! I need help in the basement!!" he heard her dad yell, "Coming!! Be right back Cor!" She then bolted out of her room, Cory chuckled again, placing his bag on the side of his 'bed', he glanced over to the cat ears and tail agian, 'Maybe...I could?...', he picked up the ears and tail and walked over to Frisks mirror, he didn't know why, but he just wanted to know how it felt, he slid the ears on and then looked at the tail, he looked at the directions and saw that the tail had to be connected to the persons garments in order to stick, so, thinking that he had enough time before frisk came back, he slid off his jeans and attached the tail to his boxers, he then looked back at the mirror, he felt....cute?..or maybe slightly embarrassed at himself for doing this he then took his hands into fist and put them up one up to the side of his head and the other up beside his chest, he chuckled at himself for this, 'what am I doing?..., I should probably put this back before-', "Hey Cory! I'm bac...k....", He was too late as he turned around to see frisk standing in front of the door her eyes wide and mouth hung open, Cory's face immediately turned a bright red, "sweetheart I- oh!" Frisk mom saw the two and then slowly closed the door, "sorry" she said before completely closing the door, to who then Frisk started bursting with laughter, "HAHAHAHA, CORY WHAT THE HECK? HAHAHA!!" Her face slowly turn into a bright pink seeing her friend, the supposed 'tough guy' wearing cat ears and a tail, in his BOXERS with a complete flushed face, "SH-SHUT UP!! YOU'VE SEEN NOTHING!!" Cory yelled pulling his shirt down trying to cover his boxers, "Hahahahahahaha!! Oh!! I will NEVER let you live this down!! Hahahaha!!" Frisk quickly pulled out her phone and snapped a few pics of her now embarrassed friend, Cory then ran into Frisks walk-in closet to hide from her and her phone, "NOOOO!! SHUT UP, AND DELETE THAT!!" he yelled, "Nope!! Hahaha!" She kept laughing, Cory sat down on the ground and covered his face with his hands, he just embarrassed himself IN FRONT OF HIS FREAKING CRUSH/BEST (and only) FRIEND, "Awww~ come on Cory come out!! I promise no more pictures!" She said, Cory poked his head out of the closet door, "mmmhmm..." He hated this, "c-can I have my pants back?.." he said looking down, "Aw, come on I wanna see kitty Cory a bit more, PLEASE?~" She was teasing him, he could tell, but gave in he slowly got out of the closet, only to have frisk attack him with a hug, "Aww~ is kitty embarrassed~~?" She continued to tease him, "shut up...." His face grew more red the more she teased him.
She continued to teased him for 3 weeks about that.

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