Corys cousin part 2

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(agian art above not mine)

🧀Mr cheese pov🧀
I looked around with a confused innocent look, I know what I did but eh, what do you expect after he tried taking gentlemen from me? And yes..I'm in love with's pretty obvious,
"The hecks wrong with you!?"
My cousin yelled, I can't blame him even though I flinched a bit
"So you were imposter last round..huh..I owe player an apology again don't I..?"
"Yeah you kinda do.."
I look back at the class and explained the whole imposter and crewmate situation, they looked even more scared and confused then before

📷Corys pov📷
I knew something was off with him, damn it!!
"Why. Do. You. Not. Tell. Me. Things!!!" I say hitting him after each word,
Was all he said back
"To be far, if he did we would've have to vote him out the second we get back on the ship"
"Okay!? That doesn't explain how he just Jumped that egg guy!"
I shouted in pure confusion
"That's..a very long story"
Gentlemen replied
I face palmed myself as my cousin gave me a pat on the back, after that the bell rang and I left to find tank and Gertrude..Simon ran after me, along with Ched, which wasn't too much of a suprise..

🎩The gentlemen's pov🎩
I sigh and walk back to the teachers lounge with mr cheese, he had his regular goofy smile back on..that adorable..goofy smile, I made sure no one was looking at us and held his pinky with mine, he looked at me and giggled,
He whispered to me, I smirked and whispered back,
"Not as adorable as you my cheesy imposter~"
He blushes and looks back down.

After a while we make it back to the teachers lounge, mr egg was in a corner behind mother, player was in-between veteran and captain who appeared to both be attached to his arms, Angle and sheriff are talking to each other and elf and engineer are cuddling with one another.
I walk in and take a seat with mr cheese letting go of his hand..well..finger really,
"Ah, gentlemen how was your guys presentation?"
Mother asked, holding one of her sons
"It went well, dispite mr cheeses outburst"
"I see you egg boy."
Mr egg duck back into mother, shaking a bit,
"Well at least you didn't have these two argue half the time.."
Player said
"He's my best friend captain!"
"No, he's mine!"
We laughed as they continued to argue, and as I held mr cheeses hand under the table

🍨Tanks pov🍨
Cory already told us about his cousin and what just happened, infact the whole schools going wild about it already,
"Why does this always happen to me..."
He said, pretty much having a mental break down,
"My entire family is pretty much like this too..."
Simon asked,
Cory nods in defeat
"Everyone from both my dad and moms side..are either crazy, have something odd about them, or both.."
"Aw, I'm sure there not that bad!"
Gertrude said, trying to cheer him up,
"No... there worse..."
Yup, he's broken..
Just then an announcement was made..oh boy..

💕Part 3?💕

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