NSP Bully & Phoenix drop high crossover; The visit

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Zane was sitting in the living room looking out the window, excitedly waiting for his new friend, Garroth and his friends (Aphmau, Laurence, katlen, and kawaii~chan), where also there, playing board games and watching TV, "Hey Zane you sure you don't wanna-" Garroth was then interrupted but a sudden squeal, it was Aphmau, "HAHAHA BEAT YA KC!!", "aww, shoot!" Garroth sighed and looked back at his brother, he honestly was kinda worried, what this 'cory' person was bad? What would he do then?! But Zane still sat there, waiting..and waiting and waiting, "hey cyclops! You sure you don't wanna join we could use an extra player" Laurence said, "Shut up laur- OMG HE'S HERE!!!" Zane then bolted from his seat and ran to the door, throwing it open, he saw the same camra face man he saw in the woods, "ZANE!!", "CORY!!" They where happy to finally see each other again, Zane brought him in over to the living room, "Cory, this is my brother Garroth and his friends." Zane said, "Hi I'm Cory", "Oh..um I'm Garroth." Garroth was kinda shocked, Zane said he had a camra face, but he didn't know he meant that literally! "Oh, You must be zuzu's friend! I'm Ms. Ro'mave!" She said suddenly popping up, "Mommm, don't call me THAT!!", Cory gave a slight chuckle, "now everyone, I made dinner so let's head over to the table~"
-small time skip to dinner-
"Sooooo, what's with the camra?" Laurence suddenly asked, "Laurence!!", "What?! I'm curious!" Garroth facepalmed at his friends carelessness, "hey it's cool, I get that all the time" Cory responded, he honestly didn't want to answer that question, "So? How did ya get it? Is it a mask or something?" Laurence kept pushing onto the subject, "I-i..I don't want to answer that.." Cory now felt uncomfortable, and Zane was getting even more furious, "why? It's just a simple question dude?", 'stop..', "how did you get it?", 'please..', "Laurence stop", 'stop, please...', "what I just wanna know!", 'shUT UP!!',
"HoW dId YoU gEt It?",
"IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT THEN HE DOESN'T HAVE TOO, NOW SHUT UP LAURENCE!!!" Zane yelled pounding his fist on the table, he then grabed Cory's hand and dragged him upstairs, "Nice going Laurence.." Katlen replied sarcastically, "Oh, Shut up.."
-to da cinnamon buns-
Zane brought Cory up to his room, he sat Cory down on the bed and then sat down next to him, "hey you ok?..", Cory then suddenly hugged Zane tightly, and surprisingly Zane hugged back, "hey..it's ok..", Zane petting the other males back, as Cory started quietly sobbing into the others chest, "It's gonna be ok...shhh shh shhh...",
"It'll all be alright..pal.."

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