Camp Camp; Max 'hates' a lot of things

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Nikki was looking through some stuff, mainly Neils stuff, why? Cause it's Nikki, she does what she wants. She was hoping to find something interesting, a new machine or maybe a new toxin/potion thingy, instead she found something else, a note pad, and it wasn't Neils
-in the note pad, (yes Nikki is reading this)-
Things I don't hate;
-ice cream
-mr honeynuts
-knitting & sewing
-cam --
"N-Nikki! Wtf!?", Nikki turned around to see Max standing there with a flushed face, "Give me that!!", "NOPE!! HEY DAVID LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!" Nikki then ran out the tent looking for David, "NIKKI, ILL KILL YOU!!!!"

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