NSP Bully Corched AU; Stuck with him part 3

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It was a few days after the incident, everyone was still shocked at the fact that the schools two biggest rivals were soulmates, and it honestly shocked them as well, "I hate this..." Ched mumbled under his breath, 'i can't believe that FREAK is my soulmate, why couldn't it have been one of the cheerleaders or something..', but dispite Cheds constant complains he honestly grew kinda soft twords the camra boy, sometimes he'd just watch him walk through the halls and not say a word.
-To Cory-
'Why me?..whyyyyy......' Cory was suffering, the schools newspaper/news club just wouldn't leave him alone, they kept asking him, 'Oh do you like ched' or.. 'have you guys kissed yet?', it was honestly annoying, 'Why me though!? I don't even LIKE him! Let alone LOVE him! He's a jerk!!' Cory thought, though it was true that Cory hates ched, he honestly couldn't get him outta his head, everyday it was the same thing, 'will he notice me?', 'maybe he'll be nice this time?', 'is he looking at me?' No matter what it was he was always the first person to come into mind.
-meanwhile with Gertrude and Simon-
"So, do yo think Ched and Cory finally realize they like each other?" Gertrude asked, leaning into Simon's shoulder, "Probably not.....yet.."

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