NSP Bully! Cory × Ched; Stuck with him, part 2

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"Th-this is a mistake right?", Cory stuttered, Ched didn't say anything but just staired at him, he didn't shout or yell or even complained he just looked at him, "Hey Cory did you find your- HOLY CRAP, CHED?!" Cory whipped his head around too see Simon and Gertrude behind him, they had a red string attached to each other, "G-guys help me!!" But no one moved closer, soon everyone's eyes where on them, "uh, boss you ok?" Tony asked, Ched agian just staired at him and finally he spoke, "Ya think we can cut this? The string?" He said, for some reason, Cory got angry, "It's a GOLD STRING YOU MORON!", then it was cheds turn to be angry, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME CAMRA FACE?!", Soon they began to fight again, "man, they'll never change will they?", "I wouldn't bet on it, Tank." Simon sighed, "I seriously WOULDN'T bet on it..."

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