Phoenix drop high, NSP Bully & H20 Delirious crossover; I'm not crazy!

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"Zane hurry!" Cory yelled from downstairs, He and Zane were going to meet an old friend of Cory's.

(Zane is wearing this:

(Zane is wearing this:

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Corys wearing this:

And delirious will be wearing this:

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And delirious will be wearing this:

Now on with the story)

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Now on with the story)

"I'm done!" Zane Said rushing downstairs, Garroth then spoke, "Zane wai-" but they left before Garroth could say anything.
-small time skip-
"He said he's by the hotdog stand" Cory said looking back up from his phone, "hey what does he look like?" Zane asked, Cory talked about Delirious a few times but he never described what he looked like, "Oh, he wears a mas-", "CORYYYY!!" a sudden voice yelled running up to him, giving Cory a tackle hug. He was a tall man, with short blackish brown hair, and was wearing a hockey mask? "D-Delirious! I can't breathe!!" Cory said, "Oh, sorry" he then turned over to Zane, "Hi! My name is Delirious! Your my new friend now!" He then gave Zane a sudden hug, Zane jumped in suprise, "u-uhm i- um-" Zane started stuttering, "Delirious, he doesn't like hugs.." Cory said, "Oh! Sorry...what's your name?" He asked letting the smaller male go, "Z-Zane..", "Yay! New friends! Let's go hangout!!" He then grabed them both by the hand and started walking, "I-is he always this energetic?" Zane asked, "Oh, you don't know the beginning of it..."
-another time skip-
Zane was exhausted, but he had fun, they were now back at the park, walking around, when suddenly, "Well, Well, well, looks like the cyclops actually make some friends!" THEY spoke, they were Laurence's friends, well, Ex friends, however that didn't stop them from picking on Zane.

(There are 3 dude, and imma just call them dude 1, 2, and 3
Dude 1 is wearing this:

(There are 3 dude, and imma just call them dude 1, 2, and 3 Dude 1 is wearing this:

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Dude 2 is wearing this:

And Dude 3 is wearing this:

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And Dude 3 is wearing this:

And Dude 3 is wearing this:

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Now back to the story.)

"Haha! Look at this! There freaks just like him!" Dude 3 said pointing at Cory, "Wow! He actually found some circus freak pals!" Dude 2 added on, "Hahah- OUGH!" Dude 1 was laughing when he suddenly got punched in the jaw, "WHAT-" and then dude 2 was suddenly grabbed and slammed into the floor with him, It was Delirious, "D-DUDE WHAT THE HECK?!" Dude 3 yelled, "Y-YOUR CRAZY!!" They backed away from the scene, "oh, friend I'm not crazy! IM DELIRIOUS!!"


Dude 3: *getting his a_s kicked* SOME ONE HELP!!!


Zane: I like this guy

Cory: *recording this* why'd ya think I introduced you two?

Zane: ( ´◡‿ゝ◡')

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