Phoenix Drop High Zane Au; A way to win part 2

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(warning! Some sad Ó╭╮Ò )
(Enjoy! (・∀・) )
-zanes pov-
I'm hanging out with my new group, talking about whatever, I'm.... honestly happy....I finally made REAL friends...sure I feel a little out of place since I'm human and there all werewolves, but, hey I won't complain. As I walk with them I see people staring at me and my new friends.. I just ignore it though
-Baltos pov-
I have to admit, this kid ain't that bad to hang out with, sure he's not very talkative and his voice is kinda squeaky...he's kinda weird whatever, he's cool! Especially since he has info on those shadow losers! Finally we can get back at those- "Zane?..", speak of the devil, it's Gene
-no pov-
Gene staired in confusion, Zane was hanging out with, Balto?....not just Balto...baltos group....for some reason he felt this deep pit in his stomach, it...hurt..., "What are you...-" suddenly Zane spoke, "I don't.. be in your group anymore..." He said looking down, these words ringed through the halls, people staired in shock, others took out there phones and Gene....Gene felt like crying..... "I...Im in Baltos group" Zane kept his eye(s) down on the floor, he didn't know why but he couldn't feel himself to look at Gene in the eyes, Gene staired at him in shock, why now? Why now, why today?.... "That's right shadow losers! He's with us now!" A random wolf said, a wide grin on his face, Gene stayed silent, looking down on the ground, putting his hands in his pockets, he then walked around the group of wolf's and said, "Finally, you gave up.." he then continued to walk away with the other shadow knights running after him. ' *sigh* of course he didn't care...' Zane thought, as he and his new friends walked away with most of the wolf's having a satisfied smile on there faces.
-To the shadow knights-
"Gene! Wait up!" Sasha said as she ran after her leader, they where in an empty music room, "Haha! This is great! He's finally leaving us alone!!" Zenix said smiling happily, "Ge-! Gene?..." But when he looked over to his leader he wasn't happy..he was... silent tears feel from his eyes he said, "You morons...I never hated him... I...-" he choked on his words, as he felt his heart almost tear apart, he finally said,
"I Love That stupid emo....."
(Part 3?)

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