NSP Bully Corched au; Lemon Boy

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(yes another corched story UwU) (please know that this au is inspired by the song above, and that this au is my idea, [I do not own the song], please enjoy)
Ched was walking back to his garden, yes ched has a garden and yes, he likes flowers, but this was something he'd never admit to anyone, heck, it wasn't even HIS actual garden, he just stumbled apon this abandoned garden in the woods one day and claimed it as his, still he liked it, he came here every day after school to unwind and relax, it was his happy place, his special little garden, he walked through the roses and the white lilacs, breathing in the fresh air, and walked over to the small lemon patch, as he got closer he saw something, or more like someone, he walked closer to see a boy, with dirty-blond hair and what looked like a small plant on the top of his head (he couldn't tell what plant it was), he looked closer at the boy and saw that he also had a camra for a face, 'wtf..', then as if on cue, the boy started to wake up, "mmhm...where?..am..I?" He said rubbing his face, he saw ched staring at him and jumped scrambling backwards, "W-who are y-y-you?" He said, "I should be asking you that! What are you doing in my garden!!", "I-i just woke up here! Honest!", Ched looked at the boy agian, he was wearing some tattered white dirty clothes and had a bright blue eye, he was also shaking, probably from fear or confusion. Ched then grabed him by his hair and dragged him away from the garden, and then left.
-the next day-
Ched walked back to the garden, only to see the same boy was there again, watering his flowers, "oh! Hi!!" He waved, ched just walked passed him and sat down next to the plumerias, the boy then sat down next to him, "what's your name?" Ched glanced over to the boy, '*sigh* this kid...', "Ched...that's my name...", The boy smiled, and for some reason, ched smiled too.
-small time skip-
"Hey, what's your name anyway?" Ched asked, "oh I don't really have one.." Ched thought for a second, "How about Cory?", "Cory? Is that my new name?", "Sure, why not" Cory smiled, "Thank you Ched!!" He then pounced onto ched, giving him a massive hug, "Hey! It's not a big deal!", 'he smells like lemons...', ched sighed and hugged him back, 'I just made a citrus friend..'

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