Camp Camp!Male Flower Scout Max AU; The theater guy

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(plz note that this au was my idea, [maybe, but if someone else did already think of this/made it then, 乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ]  but to sum it short, Max's parents sended max to the flower scouts [not caring or even knowing that it was an all girls camp] and now max is the only male scout there)
"Maxxxxx~~ Let's GOOOOOOO" Tabii whined, once again she wanted to go see Neil, Max dragged himself out of his cabin and sighed, though he was glass to have an excuse to go over there, he was kinda annoyed with her obsession with Neil, "I'm cominggggg, gosh, why do you always have to drag me along with you guys?", "Pleaseee, we KNOW you like hanging out there." Erid said ruffling Max's hair, "Yeah, it's like, kinda obvious." Tabii agreed, Max's cheeks slowly lit a dark red, but it quickly faded before they could notice, "whatever let's just go.." and off they went.
-TiMe SkIp (・∀・)-
Max was now just walking around the camp, he has to admit, this place was a THOUSAND times more interesting then the flower scouts, it wasn't long before he heard yelling of a certain play going on, he walked over to check it out only to see that just the theater kid yelling his lines to himself, he wanted to just walk away, but for some reason he just sat down and watched him, he had to admit, he was kinda cute...for a geek, "-AND scene~" he then gave a bow, but only jolted back up when he hear clapping from the audience, which, was no one except for Max, "Nicely done theater boy" Max teased, Preston blushed a bright pink color, "W-well thank you! Maxwell!!", "Hahaha" max laughed, this place really was, a LOT more interesting~

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