Yandere Highschool; The tail

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-No pov-

"Hey Sam do you have a tail?"
Yuki asked as she and the others ate lunch together, Sam almost choked on his food (which was a carrot salad and mountain dew), catching the attention of other people sitting in different tables, even some teachers glanced at him,
"Just curious."
Sam pondered his answer for a bit, yes he did have a tail but he doesn't show it, it makes him uncomfortable..
"Oh, okay.."
They then turned back to there lunch like nothing happened.

-time skip to home-
"Sam, did you lie to yuki?"
Taurtis asked,
"I can tell when you lie Sam, I've been you're best friend since we were little kids!"
Taurtis then moved closer to Sam, he doesn't know why but he really wanted to know if Sam had a rabbits tail.
"Tell me!!"
Sam stayed silent, a nervous sweat running down his forehead, and a light blush on his cheeks. He then ran from the couch all the way to the upstairs bathroom, where Taurtis ran after him.
"YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME SAM!!" he yelled after his speeding friend, as Sam ran into the restroom Taurtis slammed right into Sam, block his path, out of there,
'Darn it!',
Sam then tried to run around him, only causing Taurtis to push him down, making Sam cling onto Taurtis bring him down with Sam, landing them both in the bathtub, with Taurtis on top of him. Both boys blushed in embarrassment, but Taurtis didn't forget his goal,
"SHOW ME!!!"
"Yes!" "No!" "Yes!!" "No!!!" "SAM I SWEAR I WILL-"
Both boys stopped as they turned to the door of the bathroom seeing both Grian and J standing there watching them,
"I guess this is a bad time...." J said as he slowly closed the door, cause both of them to get up in a panic,
(Part 2?)

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